Admin on the Lemmy instance.
He/Him or what ever you feel like.
XMPP: [email protected]
Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.
It’s not like that the creators calling themselves “Visual Capitalist” wasn’t a dead give away that this would be based on foolish assumptions 🙄
It is certainly an opinion I don’t share, but it isn’t outright missinformation. I think we can survive some different opinions in the comment section if there is no brigarding or outright lies.
Veto rights for minorities are often a good idea in a democracy, but removing them when they are abused is not a threat to democracy or the union itself.
Pocketbase does a lot of the heavy lifting, but yes it is a very nice project.
Es bringt zumindestens die bis zu 4.9% der Linkenwähler ins Parlament die sonst nicht representiert wären. Das kostet die AfD direkt Parlamentssitze und Parteifinanzierung.
It has no legal status or formal organisation at all right now.
I have some very rough ideas to maybe register the volunteer organisation ( that runs the servers that is hosted on as a worker owned coop, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.
Ich glaub Sylt ist mehr so sein Stil.
Thanks for sharing. It has some good thoughts and indeed we need think about what we want to actually achieve and not be shy about it.
But maybe it is better to not think of it as a future goal but rather as reminder of the possibilities. All too often we restrict our thinking to what we think is realistic and that then becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy by itself.
Nice Graeber book cameo at the beginning 😍
Eigeninteresse im Sinne das er die Interessenen seines Arbeitgebers vertritt, was die Bundeswehr ist. Lobbyist halt.
Ansonsten, mal wieder nur halb zuende gedacht von deiner Seite, aber ja ich glaube die Diskussion bringt wirklich wenig 🙄
Also qualifiziert meinetwegen aber halt auch alles andere als ohne Eigeninteresse bei dem Thema.
Und natürlich hat die Friedensforschung für Russlands Angriff Erklärungen und auch Antworten. Das Problem ist das diese über Jahrzehnte von der westlichen Politik ignoriert worden sind.
Somewhat off-topic: you are now using the iGPU of the 5600g to do video transcoding instead of the nvidia one?
I don’t think that’s a serious problem as people that have so little interest that they leave because of that, would stop using it anyway sooner rather than later.
Of course the migration needs to be at least as easy as on Mastodon. Lemmy is still far from that.
I think this could work if it was a kind of demo instance that after some weeks or so would show increasingly annoying popups to switch to another instance.
The official Mastodon app kinda follows that idea with, just that the annoyance isn’t intentional but a result of their bad moderation and thus spam problem.
And the EU is not neglecting military spending because of social policies
That is probably just channeling the current German chancelor who in the context of the constitutional debt brake said that they don’t want to lower social spending in exchange for more military spending and was advocating for debt financed military spending instead.
Bundeswehrlobbyist sagt Bundeswehrlobbyisten Sachen 🙄
Early agricultural societies in the fertile cescent that existed for 1000+ years and build rather large cities and more recent various meso-american ones that existed in a sort of patchwork with others, but which due to the climatic conditions and later pillaging by European invaders didn’t leave much historical records.
Sounds like a good idea. They could already do student exchanges and get some tree seedlings or such.
And taxing the rich more, right? RIGHT?