They need to demand that the government dump AWS too. Probably Microsoft too, but Amazon’s warehouse closures need to cost them.
I personally believe we should never put government/government collected data on a foreign IT platform. Ever.
There are several Sask Party MLAs that use outlook and gmail emails for their official government email address, I think it is disgusting that they use those services for official communications with at least the public. I do not care if they are paying for the addresses and believe Microsoft and Google are not scanning the information to sell advertisements, Google especially makes their money selling ads so everything is scanned Microsoft makes their money selling services so everything is scanned to try and up sell and advertise.
Agreed, but they can’t seem to push Canadians’ personal data into the hands of foreign companies fast enough. You’d think this would be a wake up call, but if our decision makers couldn’t already see the threat before, I doubt they will ever figure it out.
Deleted the app and no regrets.
Better than no regrets; I’ve started putting half a braincell into my purchases again, so I’ve been able to weigh local and sustainable in my purchasing decisions.
Same. I stopped using amazon a few years back and I buy much less since
I removed the Amazon apps a little while ago, wish I did it after the Quebec stuff happened as a very pro union person. Today I went on to the Amazon webpage and deleted my account, the reason I gave in their pull down thing was “issues with Amazon.” The final cherry on top was I deleted the email address that I was using for Amazon.
Only about 150 something emails left to move away from iCloud.