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Well I mean, it’s usually one company making 23 bagel flavors. Look at toothpaste. There’s Colgate and then 15 Colgate variants. But if we go higher, the parent company owns 2-5 toothpaste beands, and those toothpaste brands have multiple variants.
And then we go even higher, and those parent companies are actually owned by the same group of people.
I mean if we want to get real about it, do we really want that fake choice either?
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You know, I didn’t pick up that he was pointing that out too. George Carlin still hitting us from the grave.
i wish i had the luxury of choice. being in a small town, away from everything. i can choose walmart, dollar store (bad choice, period. prices are high on stuff you actually want or need), or a local (pay our exorbitant prices because we aren’t walmart) grocery. everything else is an hour or two away.
Even worse is when you try to “support local” and discover that, sure, the local hardware store sponsors the town’s little league team, but the owner also reposts racist memes on his personal social media page. You can’t win.
pretty much how it is here, too. both hardware stores owned by maga nuts.
I mean, even in the cities you’re lucky to have a choice of three different corporate grocery stores that underpay their workers to choose from. Costco is alright but, from a non-member perspective, I don’t think it’s practical to make that your only source of groceries.
if i was in a city, it would probably be costco, aldi, and co-ops/farmers markets for everything.
The other options in small towns/wannabe cities are “boutique” shops where Karen charges $120 for a plain white t-shirt with a hole in it.
I went to a small town recently and this was it.
The small “boutique” shop absolutely has a Karen-looking gal who was selling things from Temu but with her sticker on it.
Real sad state.
You can order stuff online, including groceries. Dry and canned goods are available online from a lot of retailers. Meal kits are surprisingly economical if you rotate through them like streaming channels, and use a promo code.
Tesla swasticar sales 📉🔥
Soon enough Leon is gonna start suing people for not buying his cars, for political reasons or otherwise
Hello citizen! It’s time for your annual physical, please relax your anus while your physician installs this years Tesla Chess Tracker™ and calibrates it to remove left leaning thoughts. You may feel some discomfort in your intestines however it is normal while focusing on un-American thoughts like empathy or critical thinking. To disengage please reduce thoughts to a minimum level and remember to not vote again! Thank you, please remember to tip your doctor 20% on top of your medical bill you will receive 4-7 months from now after you’ve completely forgotten this mandatory annual appointment.
I suspect the fedral government will just buy more unsold Teslas
Oh boy Tesla cop cars 👐
Tesla firetrucks bring the fires to the houses
I would support that. They tend to blow up.
Dumped Amazon in November for Costco or local retailers. We are saving literally hundreds a month for slightly less convenience. Wish we had done it years ago. Highly recommended.
Yeah, Costco is great. One of the few places I don’t feel bad shopping at here in a red state.
I avoid Target because they bailed on trans people. I should get rid of Amazon, now that I think about it.
We cancelled Amazon Prime, and I won’t buy on their platform anymore. I bought something off Ebay, and sure enough it came from Amazon anyway. I guess they either dropped shipped or they fulfill their orders. I’ve bought a few things straight from the company and the price was the same. Shipping took a little longer, but I’ll gladly wait if means not supporting these companies that grovel to dictators.
I bought something off Ebay, and sure enough it came from Amazon anyway. I guess they either dropped shipped or they fulfill their orders.
Argh, this drives me crazy! I went to ebay and was willing to pay more to avoid Amazon, but the stuff comes from Amazon anyway. I’m pretty sure this is just 3rd-party sellers drop-shipping stuff. I don’t believe ebay sells anything themselves.
Anyway, I finally figured out that anything being sold new on ebay with only stock photos for a higher price than amazon has a very high likelihood of being cross-shipped from amazon and the seller is pocketing the difference (minus ebay fees?). Either look for non-stock photos, prices less than 5-10% higher than Amazon, or ideally both to avoid this.
A couple of times that I fell for this I made it a point to return the products for a refund. I didn’t give the sellers a negative review because I figured that it’s just some poor slob trying to eek out a living, but I came close.
Buying direct also gives those companies a higher profit margin; meaning they have the opportunity to expand, or better pay their employees (whether or not they do, is a seperate matter).
Kudos for supporting trans people and you should absolutely get rid of Amazon who’s responsible for union busting and dangerous labor practices that have resulted in the death of their employees.
When it’s the people you love, you sorta get angry that someone’s trying to hurt them. Go figure.
I finally got a different credit card to use outside of my Amazon Prime card because all that did was encourage me to have a prime subscription and buy shit on amazon…so “I’m doing my part” I guess.
I also canceled Prime and wrote something that would crack up whomever read it (presuming anyone actually reads those things).
Care to share? I’m pretty sure most of us like to laugh.
I didn’t save it but it asked when I’d consider resubscribing and I answered something like when Bezos changes his whole worldview, stopped cozying up to fascists, made his newspaper a nonprofit, and stopped forcing his employees to pee in bottles…so never.
I jumped off Amazon and am now using Target. Target tried, but took so much backlash they took a step back.
cklash they took a step back.
I think target will re-engage, but they’re not going to do it until the people do it.
You can’t expect them to put up a good fight to their own detrement when we are hardly in the streets.
Not everyone can be Costco.
Yep. Dropped amazon for their support of the orange waste of space
Please if you have the opportunity to start buying from small businesses. It may be a bit more inconvenient and probably a bit more expensive but it is a great way to help out your neighbor.
Additionally the money you spend locally usually stays local and not go to a CEO or Chairman of the board that really doesn’t need another vacation home in Italy or Aspen.
I struggle with this narrative, because it’s just not that simple. This is pretty much just something that small business owners like to say to guilt people into buying their stuff. Small businesses still need to compete on price and quality.
Large retailers still employ local people, and your pension fund probably owns shares in them, or you can buy shares directly yourself.
Some small local retailers have very shady employment practices. I don’t think employees are necessarily paid or treated better in small businesses. Some might be great, others are terrible.
Having said that, buying locally produced seasonal food directly from growers makes a lot of sense. Fresher, more nutritious, fewer food miles, less middle men.
Basically, local Butcher baker and green grocer.
It really is that simple. Sure the big box stores hire local but the money doesn’t stay local if there are no smaller shops. Their paychecks go to other large corporations that have their big box stores in the area. So no money actually helps the businesses but instead just enriches a small group of people that really don’t give a shit about the people of the town.
This isn’t a guilt trip to get you to buy local, this is the truth. It’s been happening since the 80’s starting with Walmart.
Small business can’t compete on price but a good business will compete and win on quality. It means that their products will be more expensive and I get that some people will not be able to afford it. But for those people that have the means its a win-win for the business and the consumer.
Some small businesses have shady employment practices, so do large corporations and every sized business in between. This isn’t a good argument not to try to buy more locally, but it is a good argument for better labor laws.
Basically, local Butcher baker and green grocer.
So local butcher’s, bakers and green grocers somehow get a pass on possibly having shady employment practices?
Aren’t you advocating then that people are taking from the pension plans of large grocery stores by buying local ?
Settle down mate.
I don’t think you really understand pension plans.
When you shop at a large conglomerate store, the profit goes to shareholders. Most people are shareholders.
A small business owner is just as likely to spend the profit on an overseas holiday.
The idea that buying local helps your local economy is reductive, and doesn’t bear scrutiny. The only reason it’s a popular idea is that local business owners like to say it.
Most people are shareholders.
This doesn’t play out in the data. Analysis of the Fed data found that the lion’s share of these gains went to the richest 1 percent. This elite group owns 54 percent of public equity markets, up from 40 percent in 2002.
Most people that work these in these large big box shops are not making enough to invest significantly in the stock market. Who are are the owners of these big box stores.
Also this idea all small business owners are some large conglomerate of self-righteous all for me fuck you doesn’t play out over the larger population. Sure some people are but you are also making sound bad that someone that was successful with their small business shouldn’t travel?
What do you think the owners of these large companies like target and walmart are doing with their profit? Not all of that is going to pension plans.
Also, this idea that big conglomerate stores are some how the savior of the free market is a weird hill to die on.
Do you mean to tell me that wealthy people own most things? I’m shocked!
I didn’t say mum and dad own Walmart. My point us simply that the “buy local” catch cry of small business owners isn’t as simple as you’re making out.
Again, I didn’t say small business owners aren’t allowed to go overseas. Merely that there’s no guarantee that buying local means your money stays local.
Your logic only makes sense if you completely ignore we’re in the middle of a class war…
I don’t know about your area, but my local small businesses are disproportionately right-wing. Target’s trying to appease the government from fucking them with a red hot poker by quieting down DEI, The body shop near it has trump signs all over their building.
Hell, even local minority-owned shops aren’t a sure bet.
I think that everyone who is in a position to stop driving should do so, and everyone else should reduce as much as possible. There could be a no-drive Sunday (assuming that’s the day the least amount of people have to drive to work). Electric cars are still unaffordable for most of us, but everyone buying bikes in a short span of time could send a message.
Trump can’t “drill baby drill” if demand plummets.
China has insanely good and affordable EVs, US is so backwards
Heck. Can we just do that anyway? Bikes (and ebikes) are the future. Anything else is borrowing from our future to pay the past.
I love bicycling, and used to commute on bike almost exclusively. But I don’t do it so much anymore because I’ve had too many close calls.
Buddy of mine was intentionally hit with a car while cycling. He was lucky, only permanent damage is some missing teeth. There’s real fucking psychos out there in the way of better bike infrastructure.
That doesn’t surprize me in the least. I try to commute on bike wherever feasible, but these days I almost entirely stay off roads. Biking has taught me that 99% of people do not deserve their license.
Goods Unite Us is a free app that tells you which political party companies donate to
I tried this out by searching for Amazon, and if this website was all you knew, you’d come away thinking it was a rather left leaning company, with a donation distribution of 68% Democrat and 32% Republican. That may or may not be true, but it ignores all of the hostile working conditions and anti-union behavior they are responsible for.
Just saying, don’t rely solely on this app for evaluating companies.
Not to mention Bezos lining up for the Broligarchy
This app still has Sears in it. No way is it properly maintained.
Sears is still in business though i doubt it’s campaign donations amount to much
Sears still exists. I only know because I somehow got spam from them a couple of days ago.
They lump Sears in with Lands End, which they spun off over a decade ago. So even though it may still exist, no way is it accurate.
I prefer the no thanks app
That’s a very large amount. I’m impressed.
My wife and I have been boycotting Target which is a really a bummer because we were going to use target to boycott Amazon. We were doing really well about not buying from either until we needed clothing quickly. So we ended up doing Amazon because we could get it fast and knew what they had. I guess you have to just make a choice and nothing is going to be perfect.
Its so hard to avoid because most stores don’t have any inventory. So you can go to a store to grab your clothes and they are all sold out so you just buy them online after wasting your time. This is especially true for basic items.
I guess you have to just make a choice and nothing is going to be perfect.
No ethical consumption under capitalism. Just do what you can.
Yes indeed.
I watched The Good Place. I learned important lessons
Dumples figured it out? Dumples? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.
It’s not fast, but you could try Ebay if a Goodwill isn’t stocked enough for you
Doesn’t Elon Musk still benefit directly from Ebay?
Not sure, but this thread is speedrunning why there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Nope. No ownership in Ebay nor PayPal.
“Since then, Elon Musk has had no part in PayPal’s ownership. However, he does still hold a sizeable amount of stock in the company. He has sold off a large portion of it over the years, but as of 2021 he still owns over $10 billion of PayPal stock.”
I’ve never heard of “”, however all the other articles I’ve searched say he no longer has ANY stake in PayPal nor Ebay. "he no longer has a stake in PayPal, although he owned shares before the company was acquired by eBay "
I’ve been having good luck with Mercari. It’s an online flea market where individuals sell their stuff. It helps that I dress boring and know my size in a few specific brands/items.
I used to use eBay a lot when I was younger. I haven’t used it in a while though. Not a bad idea
I’m degoogled, deappled, no more amazon. There’s a website and boycott app to tell you which companies to dump and also buy nothing days.
This has been good for me overall because I looked into ethical consumerism and feel a lot better about how I spend. I used to do this stuff years back but I’d gotten lazy.
What are these apps and websites? Really struggling to dump Amazon…
Not alternatives, but the apps I use to see what companies own what and who they donated money to are GoodsUniteUs and Buycott. As far as getting rid of Amazon, depending on where you live and what you’re looking for, you might be able to find the store or product on amazon and then go to their website if it isn’t some dropship scheme or finding a local place that has an alternative, hard to beat that same day shipping, but might be viable.
Ebay and buying direct is working for me. Their streaming service is shit so thatvwas an easy one for me
Honestly, I don’t want to buy anything at all anymore because I don’t know which of the lot voted for Trump
I have had a lifetime of listening to people say “I vote on my wallet not your party” … well then let me spend on my politics not your bottom line.
the cool part about voting with your wallet is 99% of your mandatory budget spend where you are locked in and have little to no control over what company you use (power/water/garbage utilities, rent or mortgage, internet, health insurance) all goes to companies that support the fascists anyway!
That’s what happens when you privatize public utilities (well that and the power cutting out during winter, or burning down half the state). Get ready, they are coming for public education and the post office next.
They’ve already gutted education in southern states. The largest school “district” in Oklahoma is Epic Charter Schools, which has been investigated multiple times for financial malfeasance (originally, it worked like an MLM - teachers got paid based on their roster number, and some would recruit a hundred+ students and made bank) and the fact that “attendance” is spending five minutes on a log in screen. Parents were getting kickbacks with a “learning fund” people were buying TVs and Christmas trees with.
It’s the future. Kids whose families can’t afford private will get to set them in front of a laptop and let AI-slop “teach” their child.
And when you allow creditors to buy and sell loans amongst themselves, with no recourse for the borrowers to choose who they do business with short of immediately paying off the entire balance. Like, even if you went out of your way to take out the loan from a company you liked, they can just immediately turn around and sell it to some borderline scammer who will try to screw you at every turn.