• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • “There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone ‘better.’”

    One thing I learned from the Bush II Admin was that you can run on stirring up rhetoric for a while–worked well enough to make him a two term President–but at a certain point, your policies have to align to reality or you will have catastrophic failure. There are also levels of making shit up, and the statement above might be more making shit up than anything Bush II ever pulled.

  • It’s not just pay. Things like pensions that would encourage long tenures have been all but eliminated from compensation packages. The idea of staying at a job for more than 3 years, especially in IT, is crazy to people. If you’re there for >5 years and then look for something else, interviewers wonder if something is wrong with you.

    Which is insane. Companies lose a lot of value by not having long tenured “company [wo]men” anymore. I keep waiting for some convoluted explanation that shows this situation is better in even a strictly capitalist sense, but that explanation doesn’t seem to exist. The best I have is that people coming from outside organizations will cross-pollinate ideas and technologies instead of being stuck with whatever that particular company is doing. But there are other ways to handle that, and you don’t have to push it on everyone.

    No, companies just seem to have decided this is how they’re going to operate.

  • It’s funny. When you laid out the individual points of Obamacare and ran some polls without the context of the name, they were quite popular. When they’re bundled together and called Obamacare, the popularity plunged.

    In this case, you drop an 922 page pdf full of conservative agenda items, people will largely ignore it, because who the fuck has time to wade through a 922 page pdf? But somebody reads it, and its agenda items start to be laid out individually, and everyone hates it.

    So basically, progressive policy is popular until conservatives give it a nickname and pretend it says something else. Conservative policy is not popular, and they can only get it through by obfuscating it.