• Hemingways_Shotgun
    1 month ago

    On the one hand, I feel bad because these are people running to a better world hopefully before they get deported back to a shittier one. They come north so that they aren’t sent south. (I presume that’s what’s going on here) And in that respect, I would welcome all of them.

    America is a shit hole. Meanwhile, our population is stagnant because of declining birth rates, and our country absolutely loves diversity (at least on paper). Unlike America, where you’re expected to melt into one giant conglomerate “American” culture, in Canada, you enrich ours by adding yours, like a spice.

    But the problem is, doing it this way out of desperation is just going to embolden our own Maple MAGA fuckwits to become even bigger assholes because their IS a cost of living crisis, and we do have an immigration problem that needs to be addressed as well.

    There’s no winning.