One of the reasons I wanted to create a vampire community on Lemmy was so I could go on long rambling rants about vampire movies that no one I personally know would have any interest in hearing. This is one of those times. I expect most people won’t read this to the end.
I love the entire Underworld series. Well, except for the prequel, Rise of the Lycans. To me, the Underworld series is about Kate Beckinsale in tight black leather fighting werewolves. I don’t care to see Rhona Mitra in medieval times. Also, I think the story was better told as flashbacks in the first movie; so I was already soured on the idea of making an entire movie for a story we already saw. I don’t have anything against the movie itself (it’s fine if you like it) but I prefer Kate Beckinsale’s story. Anyway, on with my rant.
The first Underworld movie is amazing. It has everything I wanted. Plus, it did a great job of dropping little lore nuggets that weren’t relevant to the story but helped flesh out the world. And some of those nuggets come back in later movies (“There is a descendant of Corvinus lying there, not 3 feet from you!”). My one complaint about this movie is that by creating the abomination vampire/lycan hybrid in the first movie, it meant their hand was forced in later movies. They couldn’t pretend this character didn’t exist yet they had to somehow raise the stakes each time. I think in hindsight it makes this abomination less of a problem than it’s made out to be in the first movie. But of course, they didn’t know if they’d ever get a sequel so they had to go big on the first movie.
When I first saw Underworld: Evolution, I didn’t like it very much. It felt like there was a major plothole they were ignoring for the whole movie. They state explicitly that killing the first vampire would end all vampires and killing the first lycan would end all lycans. There was an implication that killing your creator would kill you (or at least end your vampire/lycan curse). Yet Selene killed Viktor in the first movie and nothing happened. And Papa Corvinus dies in this movie and nothing happens. And they kill the first lycan and nothing happens. I thought it was stupid that they’d make this big storyline about killing “the first” yet we as the audience see plenty of evidence of this not having any effect. On a recent re-watch though, I realized something. Characters lie in this series. Or at least, characters are told lies and believe them with absolute certainty.
In the first movie, one of the characters mentions the tale of the Corvinus clan. Corvinus, the first immortal, has three children. One is bitten by bat (creating the first vampire), one is bitten by wolf (creating the first lycan), and one is cursed to live a boring mortal life so we can have the “clean bloodline” storyline. Viktor laughs this off as a fairy tale and points out Marcus Corvinus is just one of the elders, not some origin of the species. We find out here in Evolution that Viktor knew this to be a lie. Viktor knew Marcus was the original vampire. He knows this because Marcus was the one who turned him. And he personally knows Marcus’ brother, William, the first lycan. I believe there are implications in both the first and second movie that Selene believes Viktor was the first vampire. She believes the Corvinus story is a fairy tale, as she’s been told. I believe Viktor had spent a lot of time downplaying Marcus’ role and propped himself up as the most important vampire. Even though he knew this to be a lie.
Now, in Evolution, we find that Marcus is the one who told Viktor that killing him would end the vampire curse (and thus either kill Viktor or turn him back to a mortal… who was already dying). He lied to cover his own ass. Viktor didn’t actually need him; Marcus just didn’t want to die. And when Viktor wanted to kill Marcus’ brother William (the first lycan) because he was too feral, Marcus told the same lie to protect his brother. Viktor needed his lycan slave class, so he couldn’t kill William. Viktor had no reason to question this claim and spent his entire vampire life explaining this limitation to other vampires. At no point does the movie say “Marcus lied! He made it all up!” so I didn’t actually notice this until many years later. And now I think the story is actually very consistent; it’s just that most characters don’t have the full picture and we never hear any other characters contradict them.
Moving on. When I first watched Underworld: Awakening I actually really liked it. I liked how it moved the world forward. This wasn’t just Selene fighting one battle after another, one movie after another. Instead, the world itself could change. However, on a re-watch, I realize this is the weakest movie. All of the exciting parts happen off-screen. In this movie, the world learns of the existence of vampires and lycans. The lycans somehow take over and vampires are on the verge of extinction. Selene and her abomination boy-toy Michael are captured. And none of that is seen in the movie; it’s all just the setup. Selene just wakes up in this world. And since vampires are on the verge of extinction, there isn’t any aristocratic politicking in this one. The vampires are living more like the lycans used to, underground and in packs. Also, the actor who played the abomination Michael (the central character in the overarching story) decided not to come back. So all we see is re-used footage of him from previous movies and the back of his stunt double’s head. While the movies always follow Selene, Michael’s character is actually the one driving the plot. So this movie was forced to remove its primary plot device. It seems the smart thing to do would’ve been to just kill off the character. Also, this movie introduces a genetically engineered child of Selene and Michael who becomes the new abomination MacGuffin; they don’t even need Michael anymore. Re-using footage and only showing him from behind was a bad choice.
When I first watched Underworld: Blood Wars, I didn’t like it. But when I recently re-watched the entire series, I found myself changing my opinion a lot. Now I think this movie is very good. It’s a nice “return to form” after Awakening. The aristocratic vampire politicking is back, for one. And I’m a fan of that. Honestly, my biggest problem had been too much “magic” in this movie, which was never really present before. I mean, you could argue vampires and lycans are already magic, but there was never any “spirit realm” stuff until this movie. But now I just see it as expanding the universe/lore and I’m not mad about it. Plus, we’ve had so many movies of upping the stakes and power levels (over 9,000!) that we’re basically at DBZ levels of needing to power-up the character. Selene needed an upgrade. It also gives Selene a reason to still be relevant to the story since up until this point she was always with (or tracking down) Michael. This movie ends with an attempted “passing the torch” to a new character so Kate Beckinsale doesn’t have to wear black leather outfits in her 50s. I don’t know if the series will ever continue with this daughter character though. It’d probably feel too forced.
If you’ve read this far into my ramblings, you’ve probably thought more about the Underworld series than you have in years. Good for you! While these movies are mostly derided, I think they all follow a cohesive, coherent storyline and I really enjoyed re-watching them all back-to-back recently. Highly recommended for vampire action movies.
It’s hard to fail when your central theme is Kate Beckinsale in skin-tight latex.
I’m so glad you’re living your best life and creating the community you want to see!
But Blade was the better 2000s vampire movie franchise. Hot and cold dialogue choices, bizarre action sequences and absurd set pieces like a basement vampire rave with blood in the sprinklers? Come on. It’s sublime content
Oh we’ll get there! I’ll make a post about the Blade trilogy soon enough.
To me, the Underworld series is about Kate Beckinsale in tight black leather fighting werewolves.
I love these movies too, but this is as deep as I’ve ever thought about them. And I dislike the prequel for the same reason. The fact that you were able to write so many words about a series with such a thin plot is impressive, even more so that I read them all. Cheers.
This isn’t directly related to Underworld, so I’ll delete it if you ask. Please keep writing! There was Reddit, and I left, and there are things I miss about Reddit, but, for the longest time, Lemmy had two things: the weird knife guy, and the marker art guy. Now Lemmy has three things! Mr. Weird Knife, Marker Art, and Vampire Guy! Big cheer! [email protected] - Marker Art guy.
I’m honored! …I also can’t possibly live up to those expectations.
I can’t believe I’d never heard of this… While writing my rant, I came across the wiki page for Underworld: Endless War. Apparently in 2011 they made three animated short films set in the Underworld universe. They’re each only 5 minutes long and are short stories about Selene hunting down three lycan brothers over the course of a century. They aren’t great, but I’m mostly surprised I’d never heard of them. Thanks to the internet, you can watch all of them here.
I do really like the first two.
Thank you for reminding me of these! I only ever watched the first two - skipped past potential spoilers in your post and will watch them all back to back ASAP :)
i watched the first two but I’m not sure about the third and fourth, I wouldn’t mind watching the others, although I am surprised there are only five films, I feel like I saw a new Kate Beckinsale vampire warrior photo every year growing up, ha
That’s how I feel about the Resident Evil movies. I think I can remember the plot to the first two but there are 6 movies in that series. I know I’ve seen all of them but I have no clue what happens in each or if there’s a coherent storyline through the whole thing.
Having Resident Evil movies and Underworld movies coming out at the same time made it hard to keep them straight.
I love Milla Jovovich, but was unaware there was anything after the second or third resident evil movie until recently, so I watched the whole series a few years ago.
could not tell you at all what any of the plots were other than milla jovovich kicking asses.
maybe you’re right, maybe that’s why I thought so many underworld movies were coming out.
Made it hard to keep me straight 🥵
I love the first one. It’s great. Sets up so much possibility that you get to imagine: how did vampires and werewolves behave and hide throughout time, how do they plan on staying hidden without dying out, what’s next after the hybrids… The action is perfect, the fights are fast paced but easily followed. The romantic bits feel a bit forced but not off-puttingly so, more just unnecessary I feel but I’m sure plenty enjoy it.
The sequels are fun, too. I generally don’t watch them after I finish the first one. Just not my favorites. Same thing with John Wick.
Thanks for this post, it’s made me realize I haven’t seen all of the movies so I’ll watch one of them tonight. I can’t remember if I’ve seen the third one or not but definitely not the fourth.
Also fun story time.
The first time I ever made edibles my dumbass decided to lick everything the weed oil touched. Then I went out to NYC with friends for a night out, taking a commuter train in and then the subway. By the time I got on the subway I was tripping balls. I swear to god Kate beckinsale was on the train across from me in her underworld garb. Swear to god!
I was probably just tripping but I swear!
I really like how they kept the Lycans practical for almost all the films.
Those hollowpoint blacklight bullets were such a cool idea.
The first movie was dripping with style and I guess it was enough to catapult an entire franchise.
I do enjoy these movies. They’re goofy over-the-top fun dark horror action, elevated by higher caliber actors than they have any right to.
When the first one came out I was still in the thrall of the White Wolf World of Darkness. I remember the rumors about how closely influenced it was by V: tM. During a recent rewatch I remembered how striking and “Garou-like" the werewolf transformations were.
Great stuff.
I’m still fine to see Kate Beckinsale in tight shiny leather in her 50s, the only issue is her voice sounds like she has a rough leather tube in her throat instead of vocal cords. Don’t smoke kids or your voice will sound like Kate in that horrible Black Canary movie.
Soundtrack on the first movie was great. I have no love for the movies themselves, though.