The disgustingly drawn out goodbye that should have happened in 2019.
The disgustingly drawn out goodbye that should have happened in 2019.
Maybe it was too cold outside for Musk to have his baby in the Baby-Bjorn bullet catcher vest.
I would take a larger one if I could. More stew fits in, less cooking to do.
I just have a 6 quart countertop one. I can make a pretty big stew in it. It has yogurt making function and sous vide mode as well. Way more functions than I will ever need. I just want it to last as long as my last electric pressure cooker, it lasted 20+ years before it melted down.
I don’t know how much room you have in your kitchen or cupboards but a sous vide machine does only one task. If you don’t have one already or you have any use for a pressure cooker, there are ones that have a sous vide mode. So you can have one machine that multiple uses instead of a single use appliance.
Wellness checks to be sent to their homes to check on their real daughters?
The likely facts are if you have a person that has read and comprehended the Bible they are probably an atheist. The people that cherry pick their verses or just follow their leader and what they say the Bible says are the majority of Christians and Catholics. Same goes for all religion
Religion won’t lead us to peace and capitalism can’t do it either but they are running the show now.
Movements come and movements go
Leaders speak, movements cease when their heads are flown
'Cause all these punks got bullets in their heads
Departments of police (what?), the judges (what?), the feds (the feds)
Networks at work, keepin’ people calm
You know they went after King when he spoke out on Vietnam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And then came the shot
If they don’t have you hating the other, you start looking up at the greed and power hungry people keeping us all down. Religion isn’t the answer as there is also hate for the other ingrained in it. Humanistic social policies that put humanity before profit is the only way we can make it 100 more years.
What revolution really takes is soldier’s that are protecting the system being unwilling to kill when the “rebels” are their family and friends.
If soldiers have love for the people and see common cause more than they fear their leaders then the leader can fall.
My partner went out to the store and bought 36 of them, clearing the shelf. They are her moms favorite candy, so she is going to give her a year+ supply of them.
Seems all these banks don’t want to be weighed down by anything that could hurt their incoming profits when Trump opens the floodgates (of no regulation) to pillage anything of value from the public sector and likely from the public themselves.
My first and only cave experience was with a friend who had done the tunnel before so he knew where it went and was safe. It was slightly wider than my shoulders and started with climbing a rope up into the tunnel from a river and ended with a T intersection.
From reading a lot of AITA, those parents loans are on the parents to pay back not the student.
Obviously the student could help the parents pay it back if they make enough but there were many posts about parents who didn’t tell the kid about the loan then expect them to pay it back.
Also African American activists but I would be very curious if they had any resources aimed at monitoring white supremist groups.
I’m grateful the previous owners relationship broke down and he was forced to sell the house after only living in it for 8 months. I’m grateful to the original owner for being a stonemason and doing beautiful stonework around the yard with obviously hand picked stones including quartz crystals and fossil rocks hidden around.
I had a nosebleed for hours which would barely stop without full pressure pinch. I was at the ER waiting for hours and the doctor finally saw me and didn’t think it was an issue worth treating as I was asking for it to be cauterized. I simply exhaled through my nose at a normal level and it started bleeding again. She went out and got the silver nitrate to burn it without another word.
How many innocent Palestinians will get arrested in the West Bank for every Palestinian they release?
Are they going to release these prisoners back into Gaza to starve or be bombed?
Fuck the diamond cartel up the ass.
I bought an engagement ring many years back for around $2600 and when we broke up I went to a pawn shop and they offered $60 for the gold, the diamonds weren’t worth a thing.
That sounds like you are making yourself indispensable.
Not even going out of my way to walk other than just walking the dogs and being at work I would earn 41k this month so far.
I don’t think there is a way that the breathing would work out better unless you were paraplegic and couldn’t manage to take any steps.