I would guess that like flip-up cellphones followed communicators, and smartphones perhaps followed tricorders, and tablets definitely followed… ah, tablets:-), people saw Star Trek and then built those things that looked so damn cool. Life imitates art, or something.
Is it sacrilegious to say that the Enterprise D exterior looks like something designed by Apple?
What Apple was making when TNG came out:
Wow, the Enterprise systemD
And time, hostname, power settings…
Okay I see your outside, and raise you a beige and black bridge:-)
Edit: oh, I missed “exterior”, but even there…:
Interior is more like:

I would guess that like flip-up cellphones followed communicators, and smartphones perhaps followed tricorders, and tablets definitely followed… ah, tablets:-), people saw Star Trek and then built those things that looked so damn cool. Life imitates art, or something.
The design influence goes in the other direction.
I’m going to say yes. The Kelvin-verse 1701, on the other hand…
It does look gorgeous tho. People slight the kelvinverse all the time but the ships are beautiful