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I know one so far, Legend of Arthur and the Roundtable, but I want to learn about more and listen to more for inspiration and the story telling potential it holds.
Any suggestions would be great
Do robots and aliens count as mystical? If so, Killroy Was Here and The Grand Illusion by Styx.
Edit: You said mythical not mystical… 🤦♂️
Damn, it was true that you sort by New
There’s a ton of concept albums in prog music. I recommend The Divine Wings of Tragedy by Symphony X and Tarkus by ELP. If you want more, search for “prog concept albums”.
Two that follow Moby Dick
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
Mastodon - Leviathan
There are many albums that relate to Paradise Lost but my favorite right now:
King Woman - Celestial Blues
Hemispheres by Rush, perhaps? Most of it concerns Apollo and Dionysus if I recall…
I was going to say 2112, but that’s honestly scifi.
Do you care if they are established myth or new stories? Unleash the Archers has two albums, Apex and Abyss, that tell an epic story over the span of them
I care about them being Established Myths, another medium to learn more about earth
Does Peter and The Wolf count?
Would you consider the Dark Carnival a mythical story
“_The Dark Carnival is a series of concept albums described by hip hop duo Insane Clown Posse in much of their discography. The concept, similar to the “heaven and hell” language of monotheistic religions, is the primary source of inspiration for Insane Clown Posse’s two series of albums called Joker’s Cards, each containing six albums.
The Dark Carnival is where souls face judgment based on their individual actions before being sent to heaven or hell. The concept was reportedly inspired by a dream of Insane Clown Posse member Violent J where spirits in a traveling carnival appeared to him._”