• The remake series has always been planned as a trilogy, and the first game in the series released on everything. But the very next game was made exclusive to PlayStation. This was, apparently, by design. The idea was to bring a bunch of players into the series, then switch to an exclusive to try and help push PS5’s.

    As someone who got the first game on PC, I feel this was a stupid move. I’m not going to get the subsequent games on a different platform. Your save carries through the games; I want the next one on the platform I already played the first one on.

    • asterism
      2 months ago

      Awh jeeze :( That sucks that they made the next one an exclusive. I hope it’ll be a timed exclusive— it’s awful that you can’t play w your existing save.

      I have fond memories of watching my older brother play through the OG on his PC when I was a tween. Still can’t get the chocobo theme out of my head!

      Thanks for taking the time to answer :) Happy New Year!