“We were shocked to learn that Professor Tucker was recently abruptly removed from this teaching assignment and are deeply concerned that the decision for the removal relates largely to his advocacy for more learning and discussion about Palestine and Israel. We are aware that the university is being lobbied intensely to silence discussion of what is happening in Gaza, and we strongly suspect that the decision regarding Professor Tucker is linked to his activities in this regard.”

Months after Tucker’s event, the School adopted a new bulletin board policy, stating that posters that contributed to an “uncomfortable environment” would be restricted.

“This Palestine exceptionalism is just not acceptable. To me, the attitude of the school is itself anti-semitic because it implies that to talk about what’s going on in Gaza offends Jews,” another member said.

“There should be a recognition that there’s a diversity of opinion. Don’t stereotype Jews as people who are all expected to have values that are supremacist and racist and who don’t care about the suffering of Palestinians. We find that offensive.”