Homer Simpson voice: mmmmmm… chocolate graveyard
Homer Simpson voice: mmmmmm… chocolate graveyard
Pistons got a nice team, which is cool to see. Detroit Tigers are shaping up too. Nice time for Motown sports
Good on you. Know what their issues are (e.g., affordability, carbon tax) and have some relevant, effective, and true points on hand (e.g., Most Canadians receive money from the carbon rebate program, and so PP axing that so-called tax means you won’t get those quarterly checks. See it’s actually a corporate tax that he wants to axe). Acknowledge their issue when they bring it up. Honestly empathize with the real aspects of it (e.g., you too know what affordability issues are like) and communicate this. And then casually explain why you’re voting the way you are, or not the way that they are intend to. “And this is why the NDP have my vote because they’ve pushed to expand public health care start to include fully covered prescription medication. And I want to see more of that.” (The Conservatives probably voted against that too)
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I watched most of the game on the Knicks TV broadcast, and as a Raptors fan I really enjoyed the 2 broadcasters. Nice broadcast
The Angus Reid poll suggests a connection between income level and Canadian pride. People with incomes below $25,000 were less likely to be proud of Canada (48 per cent), while those with income above $200,000 were more likely (65 per cent), according to the poll.
Westlake is not surprised that one’s finances might influence their love of country. “Cost of living is up, access to health care and access to doctors is something a lot of people are struggling with. Housing prices are up,” Westlake said. “We’re coming out of a period of quite significant inflation. So you have a bunch of these things that hit people in their pocketbooks that tend to shape public opinion in all types of situations that probably reflect poorly on incumbent governments.”
Your analysis is a better example of base rates than conditional probability imo
Yeah I eat a ton of peanut butter. Nuts to You brand. Made in Canada of imported ingredients, as you point out. I’ve never gotten into the other nut butters… 🧐 I just stick with what I like. I’m a 1-person household, and so if I don’t eat it… Hazelnut intrigues me. Other butters would be great things for in-store sampling stations (apart from allergy concerns maybe :/), but I’ve never seen one for Nuts to You
WHoOOooOooOOoo are you talking about? :P
omgosh, so precious 🥰
Depends on the human. Ime anyway :P
That begs the question, do their hate subscriptions appear in the subscribed feeds of their main Lemmy accounts or do they have dedicated hate Lemmy accounts? ;p
Right on!
Bless you, my friend! Thank you for adding credibility to this post :D
Wow, cool-looking bird! That’s really neat that you’ve seen that family evolve. I’m a city-dweller with not much greenspace access and I yearn to have something like your magpie family relationship in the future!
Oooh. They’re very easy on the eyes. Happy for your success!
Like a Pokémon leveled up! :P
Where should the advisory label for physical inactivity go? (I’m as guilty as anyone lol)
There’s a consumer industry that Canadians are getting screwed in?! /s
It’s not often the Pikas are staring right at the camera. Hope things start going better on your end soon!