• Showroom7561
    3 months ago

    Better tax breaks and incentives for first time buyers

    The feds doubled first time home buyer’s tax credit (2022), set up a “first home savings account” (2023), offers a home buyer’s plan, and some provinces offer their own rebates.

    And as a reminder, even when the feds offer tax breaks to help people, Provinces bitch and complain, like with the recent announcement of a tax-break on certain consumer goods.

    higher restrictions on foreign and corporate ownership of single family homes. Etc.

    The feds announced an extension on bans on foreign ownership of Canadian housing.

    Lower tax rates on earnings for people near and below a living wage, which itself is indexed to inflation.

    There are a LOT of tax credits, rebates, and support for low-income individuals and families. Sure, we can always do more, but the feds have not stopped announcing new programs and extending existing ones.

    Not while the Liberals held a majority from 2015-2019

    Was affordability and housing prices a major problem back then? I don’t seem to recall any of the same ongoing reports of people struggling back then.

    Things like minimum wage are set by Provinces and territories. Only federal employees are impacted by the federal government’s minimum wages.

    We should demand more from our federal government. The Liberals have been bad, and I don’t understand the view that they’ve done well under the circumstances. They haven’t. I read your comment as apologism for the Liberals, and I genuinely don’t understand that position.

    Yes, we should always demand more. No doubt.

    But it seems like the things you’re asking for are already in place, and/or are the responsibility of the Provincial government.

    • voluble
      3 months ago

      Yes, this is what I’m saying. The federal government can do things to address these issues. I’m not a policymaker, I’m just some jackass sitting at a computer. A government with vision could make strides.

      And to my initial point, a government that could build political bridges with the provinces would be even more effective.