Reagan loved to talk about ‘deregulation’ when what he was really talking about was letting businesses steal from consumers.
What do you think deregulating is outside of that?
The brainwashed thinks that if industry had less red tape, they’d be able to innovate more, let the market decide pay and hiring, and cost us less taxes in monitoring. All despite history proving that it only leads to the rich getting richer and more powerful while everyone else becomes peasants.
That’s why all Trump voters are just dumbfucks. Some of them think they’re the strong men that will get to take advantage of the weak in this system, but they’re really just dumb sheep that tongue a butthole up to middle management at best. They’re the ones who picked on special needs kids at school because punching down is easy and they need a win.
What they don’t understand is how e.g. cutting jobs, or not providing necessary goods and services (e.g. enough bolts to keep something attached to the outside of an airplane? The lack of which causing said thing to fall off mid-flight), etc. is the very self-same “innovation” that they were promised. As in, it delivers stock dividends to the shareholders, thus functions as intended.
We arguably deserve what is coming for us. Though damn I wish there was some way to avoid the worst of it.
The brainwashed thinks that if industry had less red tape, they’d be able to innovate more, let the market decide pay and hiring, and cost us less taxes in monitoring. All despite history proving that it only leads to the rich
That happens in a small economy, without thoroughly entrenched trillion dollar companies. But eventually the most ruthless companies will kill all of the other companies, dominate everything, and operate with impunity. That’s where we are now.
Elon fucking Musk is getting a position created for him that’s going to be the kill the poor department and he is naming it after a meme.
deleted by creator
And then complaining that those customers are to blame that their business is tanking when in reality they just made them too poor to buy the product and/or killed them off but they will get a bailout anyway because they are “too big to fail”.
Ah, I was just lumping that into them stealing the livelihood of their community, but absolutely yes.
Killing people - speed and amount varie
The stealing of livelihood
Don’t forget he was also talking about letting companies dump toxic waste into our drinking water supply.
It’s not theft. It’s price gouging.
“wtf is wrong with this country”
LOL buckle up
Unfortunately, people like this likely won’t make it. So I have a hard time laughing about it.
it’s fucking gut-wrenching. i’ve been severely depressed since wednesday morning. what everyone needs to do now is stop asking what’s wrong with the country, and start asking how do i get out
My co-worker damaged a piece of one of my tools on Wednesday. I was trying to fix it and I almost started to cry. Had to take a break. It’s a five dollar thing. It wasn’t about the tool.
No, they need to ask, “How do I fight back?” Become the resistance. That’s what I’m doing. I’ve been putting my fear and anger into exercising and getting stronger to fight for my country.
onin.deleted by creator
In America, your entire existence is a money making opportunity for someone else.
The land of opportunity… (Opportunity to exploit the less fortunate). Freedom costs a buck-o-five, have you paid yours?
I felt so defeated when I went to pick up some medication last night which was $100 instead of $60 which it had been the previous month. I asked if there were any coupons available and the pharmacist said that was AFTER the coupon price. $100 for 15 pills.
I’ve been paying out of pocket for this med for years since my insurance company determined I had reached the “lifetime benefit limit” for that drug. I submitted an appeal earlier this year and was shut down. I’ve talked to my doctor about alternative drugs, and he said pretty much all the rest have significant side effects.
And after this week’s elections, I’m sure it’s only going to get worse over the next four (or more) years.
“Life time benefit limit for that drug” is some of the most dystopian shit I’ve ever heard.
“You pay us for this service, but it’s time to die now.”
What a shitshow. I’m sorry.
lifetime benefit limit
This is such bullshit.
Meanwhile, my brothers-in-law have hemochromatosis so need to be bled regularly to reduce the iron in their blood, and they have to pay for the privilege. One put off getting the diagnosis as long as he could because as long as it wasn’t official, he could donate blood and achieve the same effect, but once diagnosed, he can’t donate blood anymore- not that there’s anything wrong with it, but to be classified a donation, the donor can’t benefit from it in any way. Such irony. America, fuck yeah.
“Such irony” 👈😏👈
The door is over there
That’s interesting, because I was diagnosed with hemochromatosis last year, and I go to the local blood donation center and bloodlet every 4 weeks. They don’t consider it a standard donation, but a therapeutic phlebotomy. But both my blood doctor and the donation center state that my blood is still used as if it were a donation, and I don’t pay anything.
I wonder why there’s a difference.
Different state laws probably
Coincidentally I am being tested for hemochromatosis and here in France you can donate blood:
It looks like I will be a regular donor! Yay?
Can’t he just not tell them that he has it? At least in Germany that was generally the solution for gay people to donate blood: The only person who could potentially be liable would be the physician if they knew for a fact that you were lying. Which was very unlikely, considering that those red cross people rarely included the local GPs. (The legal situation might be different in other countries though, so check!)
Why did he end up being diagnosed after all?
Other health problems made it inevitable.
Oh it’s efficient alright. At filling billionaires’ pockets, that is
There’s nothing wrong, it’s working as intended. It’s just not intended to work for YOU.
Deregulation doesn’t means less rules to benefit the people. It means less of the rules which keep the rich and corporations in check. The less rules, the more free they are to exploit the people.
America needs a bill of human rights added to the Constitution with attention to health care, shelter, voting rights, and privacy. Business greed has been at the helm of the country for too long.
You’ve seen who they elected president, right? America couldn’t be further from doing what you proposed.
And now we won’t ever have the chance to vote for an alternative again.
“If I win, you’ll have have to vote again!”
We have a Bill of Rights, we just need to expand upon it. We also need to reinstate the Fairness Act, and make corporations not people again. Those two actions of eliminating the Fairness Act and making corporations people are responsible for 90% of the condition we’re in right now. Thanks Ronald
McDonaldReagan!FDR tried for a second bill of rights
Seriously, why didn’t Truman push this through?? What a difference that would have made!
Oh, man. I’ll drop this link, just scroll to the VP nomination section if you really wanna be missed off.
This post doesn’t mention the country they’re in. But then, it doesn’t really need to.
Wild guess: Is it that country where they just voted to make these issues worse?
You mean fatal?
The previous trump presidency caused well over million to needlessly die, I’m just wondering how many will die this time…
A president comes to make the issue better, then they choose one that destroys all progress
But my eggs are more expensive >:(
A story as old as time.
Ah yes, the default country
Republican “Death Panels”
But it’s ok because they’re profitable.
Just because Trump won doesn’t mean he’s running things yet. Technically, the Biden administration is still in charge until January. This is happening on their watch.
So I looked up the account on the screenshot and fell into a huge rabbit hole.
The TL;DR is that the poster has a rare syndrome that makes it so his body simply doesn’t have energy to perform most tasks, and it progressed to a point where merely interacting with other people causes his brain to use too much “energy” and makes him crash.My TL;DR is a gross oversimplification of his story and doesn’t do it any justice. When you have the time, please read what he has to say, it’s eye opening: My Story by Whitney Dafoe
Thanks for sharing. I have ME/CFS too.
It’s not even that rare over 2 million people in the US have it, just quite a marginalised illness, mostly because it majoritarily affects women and was therefore blamed on “hysteria” till the 80s. A lot of the medical system still has prejudicicial views towards it.
A decent chunk of the more severe Long COVID cases fit ME diagnosis criteria, which makes sense, because most ME cases have historically been caused by viral infections.
Wishing you the best.
you too. Really appreciate you looking into it. Most people just don’t care, so it really makes me feel seen, thank you.
inb4 Mexican cartels start selling Mexican insulin and other medicine to broke Americans at lower prices.
The point is your money goes into billionaire’s pocket.
Like watching stages of denial play out.
Like half of the nation didn’t believe the joker and thought he was a good guy?