They’re in their 60’s, finally convinced them.

They say things like “This is the same…”

and I’m like

“Ya because that’s Firefox, the only program you use…”

“What was Windows even doing for us?”

  • PerogiBoi
    4 months ago

    You keep referencing your own personal tech adeptness as some sort of gotcha against what the study found. This is exactly what they say. People well-versed in tech greatly overestimate the general public’s tech abilities.

    You are in your own bubble. Your kids are good at tech because YOU are good at tech. Just peruse through your posting history. You’re posting about hacker conferences and running local Joplin services. You are NOT the average tech consumer. Congratulations on being surrounded by like minded peers. You are not the average.

    The findings of the study went absolutely over your head. You’re clearly very tied to your personal experience and cannot see outside of it so any more interaction or discussion would be a waste of both of our times. Take care.

      4 months ago

      You’re correct, the older I get, the less I care about things outside my circle, but the fact remains, that study you are pushing does not segregate the age range. They talk about the broader 16-65 years old, and you reference the segregation based on your personal experience teaching those age ranges you point out.

      Now, out of curiosity, how is that different from what I’m doing?

      You may be right, someone here is arguing for the sake of it.

      You have a great day too, buddy.