This is neat. Like how giving a neural network thousands of hours in Mario makes it learn to beat the game in really weird simple ways that people usually don’t do.
A soup.
This is neat. Like how giving a neural network thousands of hours in Mario makes it learn to beat the game in really weird simple ways that people usually don’t do.
Genuinely dystopian.
“This harms the planet and will have health effects on everyone but it’s gonna look real good. Send us a photo. “
I’ve never heard of anyone having issues with that course. To me it was just complete gibberish. I couldn’t even tell you about matrices.
I failed linear algebra twice and barely passed the third time.
People in power do what he says. His word is de facto law, even if it’s illegal. It literally does not matter. You are in denial if you think he’s not going to get away with this.
honey look, freedom of expression and the right to protest in America just got dropped.
I misremembered; I run “Immich Distribution” which is a snap and I run it on a Debian server.
Me neither. I used to work at an auto shop and the cars that needed struts and shocks and wheel bearings replaced at the 6 year point or earlier were all GM.
That being said, I still want it available in the North American market. There are so few EVs available in Canada. More diversity and price points would be nice. EVs here are strictly luxury cars. There isn’t a single cheap EV available.
I’m running the Immich Flatpak Snap specifically for this reason. It’s always one version out of date but always self updates without issues :)
It’s a real shame this won’t be at all possible to acquire in North America.
I’ve been trying to suppress this sad memory for a while 😞
Lucky you
I don’t know about that. Where I’m at, the job market is not great so people stay where I work (me included) because the option is here or find another industry. The colleague of mine who taped a piece of paper over the robots sensors got suspended 2 weeks without pay for it.
Where I live there are no such protections. You find a job or way to make money or you fall behind on your bills which go into collections. The choice is between feeding your cat/dog/child, or standing up for what you know should be right.
Right but at the end of the day: you kick it, you feel like you took a stand, your employer either outright fires you or gives you a week LWOP and then you have less money (either temporarily or permanently). Cost outweighs the benefit for most at my work.
So obviously people at my work did this. They sent out an email warning us that abuse of organization property would be met with progressive discipline (like LWOP and dismissal)
I’m un-nice because you’re a troll (everyone can see your profile btw). I’m gonna have a fantastic day now!
More like makes false negatives and marked me 3 times this year (so far) as absent which required a total of 15 minutes in useless frantic Teams calls to verify my location to my manager across the country -_-
My job literally has HR advisors that search your name through all the major social media sites and build webs of accounts created by individual users. You don’t even disclose your socials because they’ll have them already…