Somewhere in Western newsrooms and political backrooms, there must be an instruction manual or playbook entitled “How to make accusations of antisemitism with hardly any facts.” I imagine that Steve Paikin got hold of it and employed it to write his latest column. I am afraid that the piece is seriously lacking in intellectual honesty.
Non Israeli Jews have some soul search to do about their relationship to the Israel.
Blind support by got us here… And not just from the Jews either.
How are my goy friends more Zionist than I am? When’s the last time that letting a government shape policy in the name of religion ended well?
And they are not in it for support of Jews. They are not Israeli Jews’ friends. They want the temple rebuilt so that the second coming happens, which will lead to the rapture, leaving Jews to languish in Armageddon.
One of them frequently used to say to me “first to the Jew.” I had to explain how incredibly uncomfortable that made me.
Heartland American Christian fundies… Holy baby Jesus… These clowns are more Zionist then the Israeli regime.
I don’t understand how that even happened but even every American jew went anti Israel. Politically it wouldn’t change much for US support IMHO.
Not every American Jew. *side eyes my own family and about half of my community*
For most Jews, their relationship with Israel has only been strengthened since Oct 7, 2023.
Probably true but there is definitely an element who ain’t larping zionism.
Yes, it’s a small fringe element.