Currently searching for existing communities on other instances doesn’t always show results (if no user on your instance has already subscribed).

A workaround I have found is to search for a post from that community, after which you can access the community via the link near the username of the OP.

From there you can subscribe.

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    Copy the URL of the community page on the remote instance into the search on the local instance, lemmy then will show you the community as a search result.

    • MooniyawOP
      12 years ago

      I tried this and it didn’t work, which is why I’m suggesting this approach

      • Kinetix
        22 years ago

        How long did you wait for a result? Checking on this method, I can see that initially it shows no results when I did a test search for, but after several seconds, it appeared on the result page.

        Took awhile when searching for [email protected] as well. So, it seems to be happening, just not terribly quickly at the moment.

        • MooniyawOP
          22 years ago

          Impatience then is it? Lol I think you’re right!

          • Kinetix
            22 years ago

            Heh, possibly!

            I think there’s a bit of clumsiness with it at the moment (it would be great if there was a visual indicator that it was still working on grabbing the details on the backend, or whatever), could be worthwhile checking to see if there’s an issue filed for improving that.

      • Lionel C-R
        12 years ago

        That’s odd, it works perfectly for me, that’s even what gave me the idea of a script to retrieve all the communities from an instance.

        • MooniyawOP
          12 years ago

          yeah, it may have been impatience on my part. Great script idea, btw!