Considering painting several murals over time. In my bedroom, my home office, and my dining room.

I’m kinda okay at art and love to paint. I’m better at abstract or cartoony shit.

    8 months ago

    You have nothing to loose but time and a small amount of money (relatively speaking) in material. I suggest two things:

    First, stick with laytex based paints. This will ensure you don’t have adhesion issues with whatever’s already on your wall. Ditto for whatever might wind up going on top of what you paint.

    Second, try to avoid adding too much texture. When it eventually becomes time to repaint it will be easy to change color, but prior texture will come through. This is true regardless of whether you change up murals or go back to a solid color.

    Or, you do you and to nuts! It is your house after all.

    /a boring person