Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X’s revenue.
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One he knows he can’t get out from under
What happened “free speech” and “the invisible hand of the free market”, Apartheid Lonny?
Same thing that prevented the free market from tanking the auto industry in 08. Government saves it’s favorite toys
Looked at from another angle, Musk wants courts/government telling businesses that they’re required to spend their money to support other businesses - regardless of how those businesses are run, or the beliefs touted by their outspoken executives.
This sounds like an absolute nightmare for republicans and libertarians. I almost hope it succeeds. It’s not like I’ve got a horse in this race.
It’s not like I’ve got a horse in this race.
Same, except there’s that whole “forward the cost to the consumer” thing that business tends to do. Especially when such rules apply to everyone, so there’s no competitive disadvantage in doing so.
Businesses will just redirect some of their existing advertising budget, which we’re already paying for anyway. The net cost to the consumer will remain the same.
So the argument is that by encouraging its members to stop advertising on Twitter this organization has deprived the market of conservative content and viewpoints which violates both antitrust and first amendment protections. I feel like that’s going to be a tough sell considering Elon told advertisers concerned about his takeover of Twitter to go fuck themselves and he didn’t need their money.
Actions having consequences??? I’m not sure Elon knows of such a concept!
BREAKING NEWS: Man who destroys own company suing everyone else to blame them for his own incompetence!
Whatsa matter emerald boy, is your nazi platform failing under your “leadership”? Go cry about it to the people you pay to tolerate your presence.
Isnt this just the free market doing what it wants? Capitalism working as intended.
They should just play that clip where he said go fuck yourself over and over
“The big kids don’t want to play with me Mommy”
Thats not true. I love taking a baseball bat and smashing a baseball. Has Elon considered dressing up as the Cincinnati Reds mascot?
what a little bitch boy
So that’s how the free market works, anyone that doesn’t buy your product is a criminal?
The “free speech absolutist” at it again!
And I call for a second moon!
If Elonald wants advertisers to come back, perhaps he should apologize for being such an insufferable twat first.
Yeah, Elon. Take your drugs and sit down.
Or better: Step back and STFU!1!!