I just watched the congressional hearing today with witnesses of UFOs (UAPs) and potentially intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms. This is really exciting. Do you believe in any of it? Yes/No? Please explain why you do or don’t. I’d like to hear your opinion.

  • Max-P@lemmy.max-p.me
    2 years ago

    No - it’s strange that it’s only been observed in the US and all the governments would have come together to hide something like that.

    Wouldn’t surprise me it’s actually soviet spy planes and the specs fudged to distract people away from potentially learning the soviets successfully made it to US airspace, and maybe a fear mongering campaign on top to keep people distracted from what’s really going on.

    If it’s real, you’d think they’d have kept the tech to research it, and could show it off as proof. Not going to believe anything until we have pictures.

    • CyborganismOP
      2 years ago

      That’s the thing. It hasn’t been observed only in the US. There has been reports all over the world. It’s just that the reports have been published more in the US than anywhere else. I mean the whole country went batshit crazy over UFOs in the 50’s and had radio shows and movies and TV series. They capitalized on the subject. And people started interpreting everything they saw in the sky as UFOs. So maybe it’s a little over reported there.

      There’s a lot of activity in South America, but it’s just under reported. There’s activity in Russia too, except their whole gouvernement works in total secrecy. And depending on the regions of the world, some being more religious might interpret these phenomena as divine manifestations so it won’t be reported.

      And like they said in the Congressional hearings, it happens way more often but there’s a stigma associated with it and people are afraid to report if it means putting their jobs at risk.