42 Dems voted for this nonsense.
Let me tell you how absolutely “shocked” I am to see Wasserman Schultz on the list of dems that voted for this. /s
None of them from my state…cuz I live in mfing Utah and I’m sure the entire Congressional delegation would happily write messages on IGF bombs.
Vote Blue no matter who!
Probably still better than the fascist GOP alternatives though
True but it is sad that the only left leaning party (that can get elected at least) still has members and a president ok with what they are seeing.
For sure better than literal Nazis but we need to do better.
What good is there to voting blue when they, in turn, actually do support fascism? which is exactly what they did here
Maybe, but that argument is getting harder and harder for neoliberals to make as the DNC continues trying to court the far-right on things like immigration, genocide and corporate welfare. They’ve done such an incompetent job of protecting our most basic freedoms from fascists that it makes it hard to claim they aren’t complicit.
Yet neither is worthy of support.
This attitude is why we keep getting pulled further to the right.
That’s literally what voting for the lesser of two evils does.
If you want to start moving to the left, you need to vote for a left wing party.
Splitting the vote isn’t going to win you any elections.
Giving up the vote isn’t going to turn the country left.
Please name a left leaning party in the US that has a realistic chance of beating Trump and I’ll vote for them
You have none.
And you will continue to never have one if every leftist blindly votes for the Dems.
If you say that as a US resident, you either don’t understand how our electoral system works, or you’re trying to push some fifth column bullshit.
Your electoral system will not magically change and improve.
Please by all means keep doing the same thing you’ve always done, it’s not like America is one of the most right wing countries in the world and shifts further right each year regardless of who is in charge.
Or vote farther left in the primaries, dragging the dems left kicking and screaming
Ah yes the non Fascist Democrats sanctioning the ICC.
Slightly more “moderate” Fascists are Fascists as well.
Democrats are more right wing than 2016 Republicans right now. It’s time to abandon this myth that voting for them is somehow going to fix anything.
Democrats are more right wing than 2016 Republicans right now.
Lmaoo. What a disingenuous argument.
Bro we’re just sanctioning the ICC for proscecuting war criminals. We’re abusing presidential powers to ship weapons used to commit Genocide and also abuse those power to bypass congress the same way Trump did. Just abusing presidential powers to implement illegal border policies. Bro stop nitpicking you only mentioned like 5 things you can’t even mention 6 things bro.
Not a fan of Biden, but he’s not the one shipping the weapon’s. Congress approved that, he held it back for a little until Congress started working toward a bill to force him to ship them and he relented. Should have stuck to his guns, imho and let them pass the bill to overrule him so it’d look bad on Congress for doing it, but the sad thing is that he’d just look like he was in the way of what a large portion of the country apparently wants. The GOP is all about being on Israel’s side.
The president doesn’t have as much power as people think he does.
Let’s ignore the multiple times he’s bypassed Congress to ship weapons. Israel is getting the stooge they’ve paid $12m for
The president has more power than you think he does. And Biden made sure to abuse it for Fascist policies
The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel
US uses loophole to keep 100 arms sales to Israel under the radar amid Gaza war - Biden administration not required to disclose sales below set dollar amount, in addition to public shipments worth over $573m
We even have Biden going full Trump mode just yesterday:
Biden Uses Trump ‘Muslim Ban’ Maneuver to Cap Asylum Seekers
But when Biden does the things we were in shambles about when Trump did them, it’s okay right?
The time to fix that is before and during the primaries. When you’re in the booth with a choice between a Democrat and a Republican, the choice should be obvious
You keep using the word fascist but I don’t think you understand what it means… The fact that this was voted on and the party was divided is proof that it isn’t fascism
The fact that this was voted on and the party was divided is proof that it isn’t fascism
Hmm, it sounds like you don’t understand the term fascism.
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]
So you’ve got people from the same party voting differently, they aren’t getting suppressed, they’re often voting against what their president would favour… Man, sure sounds like fascism to me!
Using the outcome of one vote as to substantiate a lack of fascism is akin to taking a glass of water from the ocean and affirming that the ocean is devoid of life.
So you are saying that if I find votes the republicans are divided on you magically have a point? Why is the party not voting as a party to begin with? Does this mean that some Democrats are actually Republicans if it’s not convenient?
We just went from a 2 party to a 1.5 party system in order to deny the Democrats are getting in line to pass this highly Fascist law to sanction the ICC for proscecuting war criminals.
Tell me what was the point of voting Democrat instead of Republican again? To prevent literally this right?
So you want the party to vote as a block no matter what? And you’re complaining about fascism? Do you realize how ridiculous that is?
Okay so fascism is when the Republicans vote the same.
Now I pull up this article and you say the Republicans are not fascists right?
When it comes to Democrats doing the Fascist thing suddenly people slap on all these interesting requirements for it to be Fascism. When Trump did a Muslim ban it was super duper Fascism instantly. Selling weapons to Saudi for the Genocide of Yemenis? Omega Fascism! Biden uses the same powers to support GENOCIDE but suddenly it doesn’t count because the sun and the moon aren’t aligned in June and the grass on my lawn grows a little faster than usual.
Yes. By all means primary one of those democrats who voted for this out if you can, but if you got to the general election and the choice was between a pro Israel Republican and pro Israel Democrat, it would still be way better to pick the dem.
100% of house Republicans voted for this, while only 20% of house Democrats did. Right now the Republicans control what bills come to the floor for a vote since they have a majority. If Democrats had the majority and controlled the speakership, this bill never would have even come up for a vote in the first place since so few in their caucus support it overall. A pro Israel dem is not ideal, but at least helps ensure the 100% pro Israel (and a bajillion other reasons for being horrible besides this issue) Republicans don’t control the agenda for what bills come up in the house and senate.
By all means primary one of those democrats who voted for this out if you can
Big if, in some cases. My aye-affirming rep ran unopposed in this primary, and I can’t remember the last time there was a challenger. For my part I did a write in vote, but seeing as his big brother has a stranglehold on a LOT of business/politics/douchebaggery in the state, I don’t see this changing any time soon.
It makes more sense to resist oppressors at all costs.
Seems idiotic to pretend you are resisting when the cost is assisting the oppressors to gain more power.
I think you skipped US Government 101. In this country, if you’re not voting blue, you’re voting red.
I think you skipped reality 404. If you keep supporting right wing parties, you enable the right.
imagine sanctioning the ICC but not Netanyahu. Evil
When they over use sanctions they’ll become meaningless
Imagine supporting terrorism against Israel. Evil
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Supporting a racist apartheid regime commiting genocide is evil. Supporting an end to the apartheid and equal rights is not.
Netanyahu isnt Israel. At least put some effort into your bullshit propaganda.
There’s no terrorism against Israel and never was.
Well. That’s not true.
Israel is committing genocide. But that doesn’t mean Hamas is a blameless party in everything they’ve ever done. They’re just the only representatives and defense for the Palestinian people. They’re basically the only port in a storm. But let’s not pretend they’re fucking saints here.
At the end of the day, Hamas are far right fundamentalists. Right now, they’re the relative good guys—but only because of how unbelievably evil Israel is being. If Israel weren’t committing genocide against the Palestinian people, Hamas would probably be doing odious things to stay in power (the last time they were elected, I believe less than half of the current population was alive. And they were elected in the early 2000s. Although that doesn’t say much other than how young the population of Palestine is). Because they’re not “good,” it’s just what Israel is doing is pushing the needle for “bad” so far to the right that Hamas can’t help but coming out looking better by comparison.
Are Ukrainians fighting against genocide today terrorists as well?
Putin says yes. And he passed sanctions against ICC.
Hamas and Ukraine are not the same. Hamas is a far right religious organization—which proves how complex and nuanced this situation is, because it’s not a secret that Ukraine has a neoNazi problem among a few of their regiments. It’s not what Russia is saying, that the whole force is Nazis and therefore they need to continue their genocide, but it’s pretty quickly visible when you look that the huge disadvantage that Ukraine is at has made them make some uneasy alliances with horrible people.
When Hamas is firing missiles, they’re not committing terrorism. But when they start attacking, capturing civilians to make a point, you’re crossing the line into terrorism. Why a music festival? Was that a fight against genocide? No. That was to instill fear. That’s the difference. Ukraine didn’t shoot up that Russian concert like Russia tried to claim. That was a terrorist act committed by a terrorist group.
There’s fighting the genocidal government, and then there’s fighting people’s ideas with horrific acts against civilians.
This is an incredibly nuanced topic because, you’re right, it’s a very strange gray area. Hamas is fighting against a genocidal government. But that’s done on the ground, that’s done with missiles. Attacking a music festival is pretty clearly meant to break the will of people. Not the government. (And in this definition, we can very easily say the Israeli government is committing genocide, apartheid, and they’re using terrorism to do it.) This has been proven true by the fact that Israel is only using the hostages as an emotional trigger for Israelis to continue supporting the government’s genocide. See what I’m saying?
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This is how it looks like to be in the wrong side of history.
We are the Baddies
We’re learning in real time that the ICC and UN are great tools, until they disagree with you, at which point they can be ignored and even threatened.
That’s what all the baddie countries do.
Next it’ll be Team America putting Hans Blix in a shark tank.
Hans Brix! Hans Brix!
Khan (ICC Chief Prosecutor) told CNN that an unnamed official had told him the ICC was “built for Africa and for thugs like Putin”.
Source (timestamped: 19:00) https://youtu.be/6BquEw4kNNE?si=xA2MKh03QAXkENvG&t=1140
Which shows that this “unnamed official” was dumb as fuck and didn’t do his homework.
What do you mean by “didn’t do his homework”? That “unnamed official” was clearly racist as fuck. Not sure about dumb, but definitely racist.
It’s good to see someone in such a high position standing for human values, even though the sanctions are likely going to fuck him.
What exactly makes you think they were ever great tools?
Rules for thee, not for me.
The Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, led by Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy, would require mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on any foreign person working or providing funds for the ICC in prosecutions against the U.S., Israel or any other U.S. ally that is not party to the ICC.
Oh no, anything but that.
“you’ve seen our war crimes, now you’re no longer welcome here”
As if you’d go be a tourist in a country, just after you’ve seen solders of said country commit, or politicians and citizens actively defend war crimes. Plenty of pretty cool other things to see.
How does that work, exactly? Half the world countries are members of the ICC, and therefore, provide funding for it.
Way to take decisive action on important issues.
His is it they can sanction the ICC but when SCOTUS judges flaunt their corruption, they’re all “welp nothing we can do lol.”
If only this convinced skeptics in the EU that we need to further integrate our Union and stand stronger against this bullshit from the USA
In a contest between self-interest and international law, self-interest wins with this very tribal group.
I wish they could be better.
“Tribal?” A lot of Democrats supported this, it seems like a rare example of bipartisan cooperation to me. Why do you think it’s an example of tribalism?
It’s tribal as in “our group” (including Israel) versus international laws that ought to apply to everyone.
I guess I’m gonna have to start practicing a New Zealand accent so I can travel in peace. G’day, mate! Wait, no. That’s wrong.
Is there a Duolingo for picking up an accent? Or maybe I can do something else. How much Buckfast do I need to drink before I sound Scottish?
US citizens were pretending to be Canadians back in the day
Funny. As Canadians, we say we’re Americans when we do stupid shit abroad.
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House has had their heads firmly embedded in their asses for so long now theres no use trying to yank them out
Meamwhile ICC has arrest warrant for Putin. Those reps are honorable members of United Russia.
@[email protected] Hey look it’s the Dems voting for the thing you said they weren’t voting for. Again.
About 25% of Democrats compared to 100% of Republicans. But sure, go off about how the Democrats are the bad guys here
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Mhhh move that goalpost baby.
Natanael thought it was really important to mention to me that Democrats don’t do this “Republican” stuff. He specifically mentioned this specific ICC sanctioning to distinguish the Democrats and Republicans. Surely he will change his mind right now right?
When 25% of your party is down with sanctioning the institution prosecuting Genocidal war criminals which will very likely be convicted for Genocide in the future, it’s Nein o clock.
Wait, so a different guy on a different thread said something and you think that means I’m moving goalposts?
Fucking hell man, get a grip. 75% of Democrats voted against this and you’re here ranting about them instead of the 100% of Republicans who voted for it.
So what you’re saying is the problem is not Democrats jumping the fence as much as needed to do whatever israel asks, the real problem is that we should have had 32% more Democrats to make up for the percentual difference in traitors?
Curious that you can do the math but then can’t comprehend what the outcome means
You dumb?
The last guy who got so obsessed with me over on reddit ended up permabanned after everybody got sick of them
When someone proves you wrong and @'s you one single time in ever they are practically a stalker.
I am glad you now changed your mind on this subject after being provided evidence.
Curious that you didn’t disprove anything I said, just a strawman you made up.
Where have I ever said I like the democratic party or that I think the majority of them are good?
I’ve said they’re less bad, because they are less bad, and you keep denying the obvious.
I didn’t call you a stalker, but it’s curious you picked only one person to @ and picked me. Last guy got so unhinged he spammed my DMs for a few weeks. Your attitude is remarkably similar to his.