• @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    And then pitch it to Netflix, gets produced by Netflix, and Netflix will make a shit ton of merch made by Asian underpaid workers and make other 5 seasons to milk if even more.

    I mean, i love the series and love how touched the topic of worker class explotation and struggle, but come on, it’s Netflix.

      • @[email protected]
        03 years ago

        Nothing to do with the discussion, but can someone explain this meme to me? Why is one guy in a well? Why is he smiling like a pretentious douche? Is the takeaway that the peasant is at least trying to better society, while the T-shirt guy doesn’t feel like it? I feel dumb.

        • @[email protected]
          13 years ago

          this meme is usually used as response for situations like this, right-wingers often try to discredit socialists by saying shit like “but you are a millionaire”, “you are a socialist but own 4 houses”

          this meme is showing you can live in society while also criticizing it, very powerful to have it on hand