Toronto and area condo market rents recorded a major downturn marked by the largest six-month drop in prices in the past 15 years. Read on.

  • @[email protected]
    1416 days ago

    What a bullshit article. Basically it’s looking at average condo rent prices and average is down slightly because more new cheaper end condos were built.

  • @[email protected]
    616 days ago

    Lol any reports of rent prices going down in this city are a lie. Any stories of a landlord adjusting their rent to charge a tenant less is fantasy. The housing market goes up, we pay higher rent, the market goes down we pay higher rent. Economy good? Higher rent. Economy bad? Higher rent.

    Nobody passes on the savings, nobody is getting cheaper rent

    • applepie
      316 days ago

      Rent is like wage… You ain’t getting better deal unless you change situation and negotiate on the front end.

      Until every pleb gets this point, rents ain’t going down and wages ain’t gong up.