• @[email protected]
    122 years ago

    Hey, it’s an improvement at least. The crow is annoying, sure, but at least it’s only shouting this time. Remember when people found that their PC upgraded itself to Windows 10 when they were sleeping or out for lunch or whatever? That was fun.

    • Ephera
      52 years ago

      It’s never too late for Microsoft to start doing shit like that…

      • @[email protected]
        42 years ago

        I’ve seen it happen on someone else’s computer. Windows 11 just started downloading with no option to cancel and eventually installed itself. There was no way to stop it without disabling all windows updates.

        • @[email protected]M
          72 years ago

          This should be illegal. Imagine if you bought, like, a blender, and one day woke up to find that the manufacturer had broken into your house to replace it with their “new and improved version” that you specifically didn’t want.

    • @[email protected]M
      2 years ago

      Yeah but you also are not getting security updates. Which is the problem with disabling Windows updates because it serves both necessary security updates and “feature” updates nobody wants, through the same channel, and there’s no way to disable just the latter. And Windows seems to have way more security issues than any other mainstream OS.

      I always recommend switching to Linux in these cases, where you get full control over whatever the hell you want to upate, and whenever the hell you want to update it (and less incentive to disable updates in general).

      • IngrownMink4
        42 years ago

        I always recommend switching to Linux in these cases, where you get full control over whatever the hell you want to upate, and whenever the hell you want to update it (and less incentive to disable updates in general).

        I am aware of this. That’s why I use GNU/Linux on a daily basis :) I only use Windows through a virtual machine and that’s where I have removed all the telemetry and bloatware that comes with it. And yes, Linux updates always bring me good feelings (unlike Windows, where I always have the feeling that something is going to break).

        Yeah but you also are not getting security updates. Which is the problem with disabling Windows updates because it serves both necessary security updates and “feature” updates nobody wants, through the same channel, and there’s no way to disable just the latter. And Windows seems to have way more security issues than any other mainstream OS.

        Anyway, the only things I disable are automatic updates and background tasks (I allow updates, but I choose when to update).

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          Yup, virtual machines usually have a really bad drop in performance. “Usually”, because you can reserve a spare graphics card and resources only for use with this one specific machine. But in that case, you might just buy another computer or dual boot (thats what I did while getting used to Linux) instead.

    • Big P
      110 months ago

      I’d love to use Linux but I’ve had nothing but unsolvable problems on Linux desktop