I’m digging anarchists’ more hands on, pragmatic approach to politics. I finished The Conquest of Bread a couple of weeks ago and I’m currently working my way through Bullshit Jobs. Any suggestions about theory, praxis, mutual aid, etc. would be appreciated
Fan of Bookchins work myself. I would suggest googling him, and if you’re into podcasts: give srsly wrong a listen. Its libertarian socialist thought broken down in a podcast with skits and well humored education/interviews. Their discord also has a fantastic bookclub with live readings and discussion.
Can you recommend an episode or two to start with? Something representative of their typical quality, format, and tone? Preferably recent, too?
(Sorry if this is a bit of a weird request. I just like to know I’m giving a podcast a fair go, without having to listen to, like, 5 episodes to figure out what it’s usually like. 😆)
It would kind of depend on what topics you’re interested in. Episodes 242, 243, and the Social ecology series that starts at episode 219 are fantastic.
I would suggest listening to a few on topics you’re curious about. Each non-series episode is easy to follow by itself, no need to start form episode one.