Average ice levels usually range from 15 to 18 inches of ice, but this year the average has been between 2 to 8 inches.

“So, at this time, we still have a tentative blasting day scheduled for March 2, but that is completely weather- and condition-dependent. … With this warmer weather, we are expecting flows to start to pick up later in the weeks. We may have to adjust our plan,” Denyes said.

Flood response has begun drilling test holes and preparing equipment in the event that there is a risk of flooding to neighbouring communities along the Rideau River.

In the case that ice-blasting is not required this year, the flood response team will deploy the amphibious excavator, which will be used to break away any remaining ice on the Rideau River.

  • BedSharkPal
    1 year ago

    I’m officially past the novelty of the warm weather. Looking at the number of 10+ days we have in the next week or so is kind of freaking me out.