The below is my personal wishlist. I fully understand it’s a long way to implement all of that. Everything is to be discussed. Correct me if some items from this list are already in the roadmap or have been implemented.

  • private communities
  • more granular permissions (say, a user can or not to comment, to create posts, to vote etc.)
  • site-wide recent activity list (all posts/comments created in communities you follow)
  • pinned posts/comments (not only a single post/comment, but multiple ones)
  • bookmarks
  • being able to see who voted for/against a post/comment
  • (controversial) being able to super-vote in a community (in case of having a certain permission in this community), say, to add 2 or more votes to a post – this is similar to reacting with “super” on Facebook, to me, it equals to adding more than one like
  • more mobile-friendly header (like Raddle, for example)
  • tags for posts
  • tag rules with a popup when adding a tag (like
  • tag moderation
  • option to restrict tags in a community to only those from a predefined list
  • community rules link or an except with a link when creating a post
  • oEmbed for links
  • more profile contacts, so that a user can put not only a Matrix contact in the profile but also, say, an email or a Telegram contact – basically, just being able to add additional fields that if a field contain a link, the link is highlighted, and if the link is one of the known ones, a nice email/Telegram/Facebook/Mastodon etc. icon is shown along with the link (the other fields can be without links, like pronouns, profession, hobbies etc.)
  • integration with an event provider (say, Mobilizon) – keeping the same permissions, so that a community admin/mod can create events only visible to the members of the community
  • integration with a chat provider (say, Matrix) – keeping the same permissions, so that a community admin/mod can create one or more chatrooms for their community
  • well, federation
  • a mobile app (a big thing and a long-term goal, I know)
  • @[email protected]
    04 years ago

    (controversial) being able to super-vote in a community (in case of having a certain permission in this community), say, to add 2 or more votes to a post – this is similar to reacting with “super” on Facebook, to me, it equals to adding more than one like

    I know that you said controversial, but I will voice my objection anyway. All votes should be equal, because no participant is more important than any other. That’s how it should be,.

    • Serge TarkovskiOP
      04 years ago

      That’s how it works now, and I really like that. But thinking as an experimenter, why not allow in some communities for some users to be not equal? Say, by gaining reputation or so. That superiority, of course, should not go outside the community in any way.