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How is this not a FTC violation to begin with? If I order a Samsung 860 Pro then I should be getting MLC cells, so why would it be okay to swap them out for TLC instead?
AFAIK Samsung has its own fab so they are not doing this.
The problem is those vendors that only buy flash memory from other fabs and have to swap them for others when they can’t get the same cheap offer again.
How is this not a FTC violation to begin with? If I order a Samsung 860 Pro then I should be getting MLC cells, so why would it be okay to swap them out for TLC instead?
AFAIK Samsung has its own fab so they are not doing this.
The problem is those vendors that only buy flash memory from other fabs and have to swap them for others when they can’t get the same cheap offer again.
Ah I see, thanks for explaining that to me. :)
AFAIK, MLC is used sometimes as a global name for MLC, TLC, QLC, etc.
This is what I have seen from Samsung but you can always check which kind of MLC uses.
Edited: this was taught to me in the first year of SysAdmin vocational training course in a class while explaining the insides of an SSD.
Indeed typically it will be MLC 2, 3, 4 and soon 5 bits (or PLC). At least they will tell you how many bits is in the MLC.
Yes, that is the thing i was referencing when I told that you can check which kind of MLC uses, by the number of bits.
Thank you very much for reassuring me of that. :)