The smug vibe she’s giving off lately is intolerable. She says ‘we’re’ but I do believe she’s alone. I detest it when she does that! Once again she’s treating it like it’s a big secret to drive engagement.
The smug vibe she’s giving off lately is intolerable. She says ‘we’re’ but I do believe she’s alone. I detest it when she does that! Once again she’s treating it like it’s a big secret to drive engagement.
I’m drinking from a paper straw and this woman flies just to NYC to watch a movie and eat a bagel alone in her room.
Now onto LA, I can’t imagine the waste this will be.
Influencers who are flying everywhere all the time really don’t care about the environment at all. I mean, it’s obvious with overconsumption and fast fashion, and pushing brands on people left right and center, but when you find out they’re going to in person events all the time outside of their country back to back to back, then they don’t care about the world their kids grow up in. Let’s just wait to see if there’s any complaints from her about the extreme heat and hopefully someone can say like “stop freaking flying around all the time contributing to extreme pollution!”
Ugh!! I’m so glad we are talking about this. It’s a dire situation. To waste resources on something so profoundly pointless is disappointing. It’s a movie? She listened to a celebrity blubber about it? Was that really worthy of the wasted resources? Was there not enough shitfluencers in New York to attend this event? I think people need to become more aware of the impact celebrities have on the climate crisis and stop supporting their empire of bullshit. You can still enjoy the art when you separate it from the artist. You can still appreciate an artist and hold them accountable. Forcing us poor folks to drink out of paper straws so that the wealthy can continue to exploit our resources is fucked up.
EDIT. To watch a movie way far back. Miss Iconic was given row N. Bwaaaaaaaa. Loser.
Her carbon footprint is insane!
She’s make me sick. She thinks she’s so famous jetting around like Taylor Swift.