• @[email protected]
    72 years ago

    for some reason this post really stuck with me

    probably because of the way that it highlighted the fact that the leftists foundations (leftists as in basic human rights, which have shifted to mean full unadulterated communism in the current political overton window) are still there, among the monuments of neoliberalism, neglect and corruption, just gotta brush the dust off, gives me hope :)

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      32 years ago

      Yeah, it’s kind of amazing to see that capitalists failed to tear down a lot of these foundations even three decades after the destruction of USSR. One day these ghouls will be overthrown again.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          22 years ago

          A lot of the socialist policies in Europe are also an indirect result of USSR having existed. An example of an alternative system run by the workers meant that concessions had to be made in order to prevent local uprisings. This was a great read on the subject.