Former President Donald Trump told an entirely fictional story on Saturday about how he had supposedly outwitted his Democratic opponents by releasing ā€œthe tapeā€ of theĀ 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that was a key factor inĀ Trumpā€™s first impeachment.


Facts First:Ā Trumpā€™s story is a complete fabrication. No tape of his call with Zelensky was ever released; Pelosi could not possibly have been angry with her allies after hearing a tape of the call because she has never heard a tape of the call. In fact, as of nearly five years after the July 2019 call, there isĀ noĀ known US recordingĀ of the conversation. What Trumpā€™s White House actually released in September 2019 was aĀ rough written transcriptĀ of the call ā€” whichĀ corroborated, rather than contradicted, aĀ government whistleblowerā€™s central allegationsĀ about what Trump had said.Ā Pelosi spokesperson Aaron Bennett said Sunday that Trumpā€™s story is ā€œfact-free nonsense.ā€

  • herrcaptain
    4 months ago

    Iā€™m with you, but what could possibly be said about Trump that his followers wouldnā€™t dismiss as ā€œfake newsā€ or outright praise him for. They donā€™t even care that heā€™s a rapist.

      4 months ago

      Itā€™s not about them believing any one story in particular. Itā€™s about moving the median point of the atmosphere theyā€™re immersed in subtly in a less awful direction.

      More directly: Iā€™m saying we should be using dirty tricks to move the Overton window in a more positive and constructive direction, because theyā€™ve been using the same tricks in the interest of increasing wealth disparity and concentration for decades.