I, recently, started running a Lemmy instance. I am, also, new to Linux servers.

At the advisement of some tech acquaintances, I’ve installed UnnattendedUpgrades and Fail2ban.

What would you recommend?

  • @smorksA
    42 years ago

    disable root login over ssh, and use public keys auth if possible.

    fail2ban is good, but needs to be configured properly.

    there’s probably lots more, but that’s a start.

      • @smorksA
        22 years ago

        to be clear, the only way to access ssh is by connecting through the VPN? yeah, it should be fine, as long as your vpn is secure.

    • @[email protected]OP
      12 years ago

      fail2ban is good, but needs to be configured properly.

      Thank you for responding kindly. Is there a resource that you’d recommend looking into proper configuration?

      • @smorksA
        22 years ago

        I think their doc’s are decent? and I could be wrong, and maybe it depends on the Linux distribution, but I’m just not 100% sure if it actually does anything without some basic configuration.