    2 years ago

    I think you get down-voted because malware is always a factor the user need to take care of. You also can install an infected, manipulated or somewhere else compromised BIOS at any time, with or without reboot. There was a story with Dell that automatically updated your IMEI, ME and or BIOS without user consent in the name of security which directly installed malware because the server was compromised. This was some years ago in the news, so you see there are multiple ways anyway and at the end the user need to take care.

    Before you install and manually approve someone, you should check the checksums, review the changelog and verify that the update is legit. Nothing changes here, you still need to approve the update procedure via admin rights before something is going to happen.

    Personally, I see this news as positive and step forward because as an enterprise user you quickly can deliver updates across your network and patch lots of systems without rebooting.

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      There was a story with Dell that automatically updated your IMEI, ME and or BIOS without user consent in the name of security which directly installed malware because the server was compromised.

      Holy hell that’s simultaneously hilarious and sad. I hadn’t heard this, but I am not surprised.