My intention linking this is not to provoke someone or hurt feelings, moreover to show what we as community or maintainer need to fix.

Regardless how you see it, there is some truth in it, even if I personally disagree with most mentioned points ignoring that Android already runs on 1 Billion devices which is basically Linux…

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    Sorry but, what is the age of this person and their knowledge field?

    Just reading I have seen two important things: one is that this person follows conveniency instead of asking if that is the right thing to follow an operating system is a tool and you must learn how to use it.

    The second is related to this last thing a bit: this person mentions guides. Which guides? Does this person even know that most distributions have their own manual which should be followed instead of following directly any external guide of someone outside this?

    I have seen broken OS installations just because of this last thing and this person still try to mention it as if was something to be taken into account.

    Debian even has advices about this and disrecommend it, without mention other troubles you can have following some shitty guide that was made for Debian but is not part of the official manual.