progress won ✊🏿

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    This trolling is very annoying. In addition there is always the name calling (“facist”, “bigot”,…) by this user and it seems it is @SupportTransPeople that was banned.

    • @[email protected]
      -13 years ago

      Admins and I have known for long that he is SupportTransPeople, and I have a concise theory that fits what they are attempting. They know what ideas and viewpoints Lemmy users stand for, and are making troll accounts with those as usernames and writing edgy comments to destroy discussions and make Lemmy look bad to newcomers.

      • @[email protected]
        33 years ago

        I was thinking the same…It seems the old saying remains true - don’t feed the trolls. Also, I was almost waiting for a post on reddit/etc. claiming they were banned froom lemmy because of all the “bigots” here. :/ I hope this kind of tactics are not successful. Thanks for all the great work on this community!

        • @[email protected]
          -23 years ago

          There are particular people that are attempting to practice reverse troll accusation, a new tactic. Trolls are evolving.

          A recent example is @[email protected] , who called me a troll of no value and blocked me so that I could not even respond. Funnily, he accused me of something that soferman did, who I exposed and drove out of Lemmy.

          ArtilectZed, a new troll

          who actually made the fake community

          Who I exposed few months ago: