I think a majority of Canadians are kind, hardworking, and want what’s best for their families, friends, neighbours, and the country.

What does a brand new political party platform look like to appeal to an overwhelming majority of Canadians?

  • DerisionConsulting
    11 months ago

    The People’s Party (I know, kinda cheating) Platform is pretty easy to tell which party it is. It’s pro conversion therapy(shock treatments, “pray the gay away” camps/prisons), including on children, and anti-trans. It even name-drops Jordan Peterson.

    • Remove the ban imposed by Bill C-4, the so-called “conversion therapy bill”
    • Repeal Bill C-16, the bill that added gender self-identification as ground for protection against discrimination.

    That’s pretty easy to spot and avoid.

    The cons say that they don’t believe that Canada should have a carbon tax, or a carbon cap as a national policy as #31 of their Policy Declaration.

    That’s also pretty easy to avoid.

    I could see someone looking the NDP and LIb platforms and not being able to tell which is which, though they could pretty easily figure out that they are not right-wing.