• Oue
    63 years ago

    Lmao, that’s rich coming fron those countries…

    • Halce
      103 years ago

      So you think it’s not legitimate for them to urge a probe, but it is legitimate for western countries (mainly the US/UK) to urge similar probes around ‘human rights concerns’ into the conduct of China, and Russia?

      • Elbullazul
        83 years ago

        Unless I’m missing something, Canada isn’t currently re-educating minorities at the moment. Although natives aren’t really treated very well by the government

      • @[email protected]
        -73 years ago

        It’s obviously a move from China to go “no u”. A probe would be great but historic bad treatment and even genocide isn’t quite the same as ongoing one.

        It’s hard to take this call for a probe from China seriously because of that.

        • @[email protected]OP
          63 years ago

          If Canada is so concerned about genocide, they should lead by example and allow a thorough examination of their own crimes, before they point the fingers at others. Otherwise its just hypocrisy and double standards.

          • @[email protected]
            -33 years ago

            Absolutely but also China is doing the exact same thing, pointing fingers at Canada’s past while they’re doing the same right now. It’s hypocrisy all around.

      • @[email protected]
        03 years ago

        I don’t think anyone is saying Canada shouldn’t do a probe into their treatment of indigenous people, it’s just very very hypocritical of China to demand a probe while being furious when others want one in China.

    • @[email protected]
      3 years ago

      I wonder who is wrong… the ones with recorded evidence of native and overseas genocides, or the ones on whom the evidence is shady, faked and unprovable. I wonder…

      • @[email protected]
        33 years ago

        It’s pretty hard to prove something if you’re imprisoned for talking about it.

        Maybe if they allowed independent investigations, people would believe it.

        • @[email protected]M
          3 years ago

          Maybe if they allowed independent investigations, people would believe it.

          One, independent investigations have taken place in China over the Xinjiang thing which is what you’re probably thinking of. The World Bank went in and investigated, Pakistan did too, the EU didn’t though because they refused.

          Two, it wouldn’t (and didn’t) change a damn thing. The WHO visited China and investigated the COVID pandemic and all they got for their effort is the US accusing them of being a Chinese shill.

          Meanwhile, the Pulitzer prize winning “investigation” that Buzzfeed did of Xinjiang alleging genocide (no evidence AFAIK they they ever actually set foot in the Xinjiang province tho) was debunked by someone on Reddit.

        • @[email protected]
          -23 years ago

          That is not exactly true, though. Jack Ma was killed, according to Western media. He is somehow alive, unless China found out ways to fake his existence via holograms. So was Dr Li Wenliang, where he was only brought to police station for 2 hours, and later upon death CPC posthumously awarded him for his work.

          • Dessalines
            3 years ago

            The power of socialist / juche necromancy really hit home to me last year, when reddit was convinced that kim jong un died, on the basis of zero evidence. This hit the front page of reddit several times about how he died, and there was a massive coverup to hide it.

            After a month or two, new pics showed he was fine, and redditors ignored it. Even the reputable western news sources are no better than tabloids at this point, but their audience will still believe anything without evidence.

            • @[email protected]
              23 years ago

              Daniel Dumbrill’s video on USA’s censorship few hours ago is such an excellent piece on critical thinking almost wiped out from the consumers of Western tabloid news media. And it is not just Americans, but Indians, Europeans, Africans, USA leaning South American countries and so many Asians that fall for this stuff hook, line and sinker.

              I definitely hope the citizens of this world gain critical thinking skills back in some way possible, even if it will take a few decades. From the past couple years, in relation to COVID, something has changed in terms of transparency, both regarding what citizens believe becoming apparent, and what news media is running to keep citizens fooled.

            • @[email protected]
              -23 years ago

              I blame that more on the political dynamics of the DPRK and how opaque it is. The current political equilibrium is reliant on a perception of strength from a single person. He must keep any weaknesses secret, therefore any actions that could be keeping a weakness secret are interpreted as a possible death.