Revolt, a new privacy-friendly OPEN SOURCE messaging app. - Thoughts?

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    REVOLT is basically trying to become Discord but privacy friendly. They’re looking to implement everything that Discord has and mimic the same layout for usability.

    Regarding federation, they have no plans for such a thing, they built it without federation in mind.

    • Dessalines
      83 years ago

      Then its dead in the water IMO. Why would ppl want to switch to something built without federation or encryption.

      • @[email protected]
        33 years ago

        I don’t know if you read the entire thread but it is in early alpha. As of the time of writing, there is no way for you to sign up. You can apply to become an alpha tester and even then, it is clearly stated that it should be purely used for just that: alpha testing.

        They won’t roll out a stable release for mass adoption without end-to-end encryption.

        A Discord replica with privacy in mind is a great idea for mass adoption as recommending it and getting people to switch over would be the easiest thing in the world since it functions exactly like Discord which people are already familiar with.

        Federation is preferred but is not a must to have a successful privacy friendly alternative. It might be a deal breaker for you, but for most people out there, it’s not.

      • Arch_guy
        13 years ago

        Admin look at end of this post sugerdaddy is spammimg.