Hello everyone. I’ve decided to write this post about Techlore and The Hated One because I’m confused. So there was the big GrapheneOS drama there with Techlore and stuff… Under the video many people commented that Techlore is just influencing fans and etc. The Hated One recently made a video of Signal. He said, that Signal server did not get a source code update since 2020. He was wrong. It did, this year February. I’m getting really confused about if they lie to all of us on privacy, and if this is a real concern. I want to hear your opinion on this!

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    Well not having the source code updated for almost a year is kind of a big deal, i don’t know if the hated one lied, but the idea is not inherently wrong.

    I think he has an opinion, not an agenda as @ree has comented, but he probably should check his data before affirming something.

    The thechlore situation sounds like a harrasment situation that was poorly handled by the techlore people, but that doesn’t mean they are trying to ruin graphene OS devs image just for the sake of it. It looks like one of the devs is quite a toxic person.