• @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    how about jami? it’s distributed, no need to self host, and encryption is native. Also, wouldn’t other Matrix hosts, other than Matrix itself, make it less for-profit?

    • poVoq
      13 years ago

      Jami (and Briar) are cool, but at least in their current state of development the p2p only system is technically too limiting.

      As for Matrix: sure, but development of the core system would be still in the hands of NewVector, and Matrix is far from a stable code base. Furthermore hosting Synapse is an hardware expensive effort due to high system load it has. Thus most non-profit orgs I know have disabled or restricted their matrix servers again.

      • @[email protected]
        13 years ago

        I’m wondering, are there Switzerland (ch) non profit xmmp hosted server supporting omemo encryption? Also, what about psi as a client for gnu+linux? I guess several would self host, but some, including me, can’t… That said, I’d prefer Switzerland hosted servers over France hosted servers… In the end, if not self hosted, then it’s a centrally hosted mechanism as well, and most probably with even less users, who knows, but worth exploring for sure…

        • poVoq
          3 years ago

          I don’t think Switzerland is especially secure, but maybe this one: https://www.systemli.org/en/service/xmpp/ (edit: not 100% sure their servers are in Switzerland, might be Germany instead)

          As for Psi… not sure why you would chose that over Gajim or Dino?

          • @[email protected]
            13 years ago

            Ohh, because of being Qt, I tend to prefer Qt, :) Dino is mentioned not to support video here: https://joinjabber.org/clients/gnulinux. As per omemo supporting clients: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMEMO#Client_support, well psi and psi+ are mentioned, and are the only 2 Qt ones, :) I can use Gajim, though it’s python + GTK, and the “official” omemo (gajim-plugin-omemo) plugin is not in Artix/Arch official repos (though python-axolotl might do, I don’t know). Sadly, I don’t like depending on qt-webengine (blink based), so if using psi, most probably I’d go for the non-webengine version, though not sure what limitations it would bring…

            That server is hosted in Germany, while joinjabber.org is hosted in both France and Germany. Then I wouldn’t know… Perhaps the France hosted one… Can’t tell… In the end all would be central, since not self-hosting… I can’t tell, any preference?

            • poVoq
              13 years ago

              XMPP is a federated network so even if you don’t selfhost it isn’t “centralized”.

              As for qt based clients: yeah there is a bit of a gap there. Kaidan.im looks promising but isn’t there yet.

              I think Gajim will work fine on your system though. At least on Manjaro (Arch based) it works great incl. OMEMO encryption.