Sales are growing so quickly that some installers wonder whether heat pumps could even wipe out the demand for new air conditioners in a few years and put a significant dent in the number of natural gas furnaces.

  • kent_eh
    2 years ago

    For myself, I wonder about the ground-loop systems. They’re more expensive, but I don’t know by how much.

    More expensive to install, and may not be possible in a normal city lot.

    But there are situations when it is the sinning choice. My brother did a new house build on a rural property about 10 years ago and went with a ground source system (with supplemental electric heat for the coldest days in those cold Manitoba winters). The incremental cost was not that much, since the had the space for the outdoor loop, and had the construction equipment already on-site.

    He is very happy with it.

    • tempest
      2 years ago

      Ground loops are a great choice if it is an option since the ground loop is often on the right side of the equation, cooler than air in the summer and warmer than air in the winter.