Rolling back environmental policy will hurt Canadians in the long run, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson told the executives of Canada’s largest oil and gas companies after they called for a national energy crisis to fast track new fossil fuel projects. The public spat reveals a new front in the ongoing battle over the sector's future in Canada.
Ok this Wilkinson dude has my respect.
I’m pretty heartened overall as I take a closer look across our nation and actually find politicians doing earnest good work, standing up to private interests, and collaboratively defending our nation. Names I’d never heard six months ago I count among heroes today. And the fact that they’re even in a position to do anything at all is because a sufficient share of Canadians are voting for them - it does our nation a credit we can’t afford to take for granted these days.
I’ve never been prouder to be Canadian. 🍁
Lucky enough to live in his district…he’s a real one. His newsletters really show his humanity in dealing with complex issues.