Nathalie Provost, spokesperson for the group PolySeSouvient and survivor of the École Polytechnique massacre, is about to make the leap into federal politics with Marc Carney’s Liberal team. Known for her gun control activism, Provost is expected to announce Friday that she will represent the Liberal Party of Canada, according to Le Devoir. She would […]
I’m generally liberal but I’ve never really felt the need for increased gun controls or bans.
I’m okay with most of our gun policies – fully automatic weapons and handgun bans make sense to me.
But I don’t think legal gun owners in Canada are enough of a problem to really worry about.
We also have strict laws about storing and transporting guns. I would be all for better gun training, but frankly everyone I’ve met who was into guns was also VERY into gun safety. Gun owners seem like they care a lot about not getting their guns banned, and behave accordingly.