Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
Interest in Canada joining the EU has increased amid US tensions, with 44% of Canadians supporting the idea. While the EU acknowledges shared values, Canada’s geographic distance and historical precedent present challenges for membership.
EU/Canadian dual citizen here: full membership doesn’t make sense. Deeper integration to the point of having a customs union would probably be quite reasonable. I’m not sure about free movement of people however because the two parties have different attitudes to immigration. Canada cherishes immigration and cultural diversity, and considers it to be a defining national characteristic. Multiculturalism is quite literally baked in our constitution. European attitudes on the other hand, let’s just say, I don’t miss them. Beyond that, I don’t think Canada needs the Euro (and the stability pact straightjacket) any more than it needs the USD.
I enjoy the “Canada can into EU?” memes, they’re fun. It’s also really nice that in this period of insanity we can help each other.
That said, yeah. A trade agreement that drops basically all friction, bilateral visa agreements that make travel and business easier & cooperation on military purchases would be the ideal scenario. There’s a ton of things the EU and Canada can help each other with without Canada becoming a member.
@Barbarian would be great if EU finds a „second class“ membership where we only have a good travel and economy system with other countries but not a full membership. But when we look at UK, who left the EU, and how we struggle to find the way back to each other it‘s quite hard to imagine something like that at the moment. 😫
The EU has multiple “second class” membership options. Multiple non-EU countries are in Schengen, even more have no visa requirements.
Multiple countries have trade deals with the EU, including Canada (as soon as CETA gets fully completed).