Considering that MAGA are the ones cheering at “jokes” about annexation, and the chaos around the Trump Tariffs, what are the chances she’s going there to give a robust defence of Canada vs. debase herself in service of a foreign power?
Edited to use a screenshot because disappointingly, apparently I overestimated my fellow Canadian’s ability to view a page on the modern internet without accidentally giving out their credit card number. Since I think it’s important to include sources, I am still providing the link here.
It’s even more disappointing that you are all more concerned about screenshots versus the Premier of a Canadian province going to a MAGA adjacent event while they “joke” about annexation.
"Oh no! I ended up on the donation page of a political party/representative that I don’t like or whose values are opposed to mine!
I guess I’ll have to donate! —\( シ )/—"