Heroic Games Launcher continues to evolve into an even more impressive cross-platform game launcher for GOG, Epic Games, Amazon Prime and more with v2.16 bringing some great enhancements.
Yeah, since that update, one of the games I play - XCOM Enemy Unknown - suddenly has extremely poor performance. FPS drops to 3-4 fps. It used to work fine before. I don’t know what happened.
Yeah, since that update, one of the games I play - XCOM Enemy Unknown - suddenly has extremely poor performance. FPS drops to 3-4 fps. It used to work fine before. I don’t know what happened.
I need help!
Do you have protonup-qt installed? Can you try using it to install standard Proton-GE instead of WINE-GE?
Heroic launcher has a proton/wine manager. You can pick from a list and then select the one you want when you run the game.
I tried with both latest and the result was the same.
Maybe your proton version changed. There’s a setting to keep the version and game version from updating
No. I looked. It’s using the latest wine-ge-proton.
I just reinstalled it, hopefully I still have my save games lol 😅 It’s late now so I’ll check tomorrow.