I am using Gnome, so please no Qt stuff :)

    • SubversivoB
      23 years ago

      I like the fact that QOwnNotes is a desktop client and not ashamed about it. As the notes are simple .md files, you can use the NextCloud Notes app on the browser, some third client on phone, and have the best interface for each usercase.

    • @[email protected]
      13 years ago

      I started using qOwnNotes recently and love it. How come you say “bu tyeah qt :p”. Idk, it seems as if that was a bit of a problem? Or am I overthinking your wording? hahah sorry if I’m indeed doing so. Just curious.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 years ago

      Hey thanks! I know about QOwnnotes but I never used it. Maybe I can try it via Flatpak. Does it have a dark theme btw? And as far as Electron goes, I am pretty biased about that. :)

      • poVoq
        13 years ago

        Yes it has a dark mode. No idea if there is a flatpack for it, I use it via AUR.