Leopards will enjoy a well-deserved meal. A few choice morsels:

In the 2008 presidential election, more than 75% of Madawaska voters cast their ballots for Barack Obama, a Democrat. Last November, Donald Trump received just over 50% of Madawaska’s vote, becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to carry the town in decades.

“My father had 13 kids. We all lived and worked on the farm. We were born and raised Democrats because back then, in the ’40s and ’50s, the Democrats were the working man’s party,” Morneault said. “When I told my dad I’d turned Republican, he called me a turncoat. A traitor.”

Both Morneault and Campagna say their politics are informed by their religion. The bulk of their support for Trump comes from his opposition to abortion, and much of their disdain for Democrats comes from their support for LGBTQ+ rights.

  • wirebeads
    1 month ago

    I feel that Canada always gets the brunt of the abuse from America. Mulroney and Raegan’s “Free Trade” agreement opened the door and allowed the U.S. to enter our borders and steamroll us into oblivion with our economy and made us heavily dependent on them.

    We used to have lots of our own competition up here that was uniquely Canadian. Now it’s all American mega corps that have swooped in, bought up everything that used to be Canadian and is now just a U.S. owned company.

    Try and not shop at a U.S. owned store. It’s becoming very difficult.

    But Canadas the problem according to Trump.

    Canada needs more competition and trade, but not with America.

    • OutlierBlue
      1 month ago

      But Canadas the problem according to Trump.

      Canada’s the problem because it hasn’t all been swooped up yet. He wants to ‘fix’ that.