Don’t negotiate with terrorists. His words are worthless because he doesn’t honour them. We need to shift pur economy away from the US right the fuck now.

  • Swordgeek
    1 month ago

    Your anger is justified, and I thought a lot about this, but I stand by it.

    On September 11 2001, the people of Gander NL opened their hearts and their homes to planeloads of people who couldn’t land in the US. Earlier this year, Canadian firefighters were in California, helping fight the wildfires there. In 1959, Canadian engineers and scientists flocked to the US to help build the fledgling NASA and get to the moon. Who was down helping sort through the wreckage after Katrina, after Milton, after a dozen other natural disasters? That’s right, Canada - your closest ally. In 2016, when Trump was first elected, I offered to sponsor a number of my US friends (made when I was working in California under NAFTA) if they came to Canada as immigrants, asylum-seekers, or refugees.

    And make no mistake - the US has had our back almost as reliably, if only because it’s easier to help out when you have ten times the population. You were here last summer helping with our wildfires, as Jasper burned, and we’re beyond grateful.

    But now your president - your democratically elected leader - has declared economic war on us, with the explicit intent of taking over our country! It’s more than a slap in the face, it’s an outright assault. And now that Canadians are looking back on the last 80 years or so, we’re realizing that we’ve given up far too much autonomy and identity to our loudmouth friend who just betrayed us.

    So I’m sorry, but I’m getting out of this abusive relationship. I’m not standing for it anymore. It’s going to hurt us like hell, but we need to do it to survive as a nation.

    This is the thing - if we take in the people who are going to suffer the most, we’re taking in the people with the most incentive to fix your country at all costs. If the only people left are Trump supporters and the other 30% or so who can survive under his regime, then he’ll just get stronger and stronger.

    This is a key moment in history. Stay and fight. Defeat the Nazis at home before it’s too late. If you’re willing to give up on your country and doom the rest of the world, then I don’t know what to say.